Saturday, April 20, 2019

POWERLINE'S Mueller Encore edition of its Week in Pictures is up. Here's my favorite this week:

As usual, there are many more. Go see them.
MORE PROOF that the mainstream media (and liberals, for that matter, but I repeat myself) are insane: Speech is violence, and vice versa.

I guess the wing wasn't quite big enough. Found on 'Nox & Friends.
"NOW WE ARE FACED WITH THE NATTERING NADLERS OF NIHILISM. The shifty and full of schiff. Delirium and dark waters. Schumer and shinola. They all embody the stupidity and excess and mendacity of the Democratic Party. Taken together, they give us the face of the Democratic Party to perfection."

Heh. Read it all.
SARAH HOYT: to dream the American Dream. To make it real requires work.
IF YOU WANT TO DEPOPULATE YOUR STATE here's how to do it. (This only works if you want fewer millionaires and billionaires....)