Tuesday, November 15, 2011

RICK PERRY: uproot and overhaul Washington.
The governor’s Uproot and Overhaul Washington plan includes establishing a part-time, citizen Congress, cutting congressional salaries, ending lifetime appointments of federal judges, issuing an immediate moratorium on new and pending federal regulations, and dismantling wasteful, redundant federal agencies....
I particularly like the idea of a part-time Congress, and I would further recommend that congresscritters only be allowed to be in Washington D.C. for a fixed period, say two 3-month sessions per year.

Perry's full plan can be found here. His Cut, Balance, and Grow plan is here, and his Jobs & Security plan is here.
WILL SOMEONE please explain to me why when the mainstream meadia trots out an 'expert' to analyze some news item, said 'expert' is always a liberal academic, completely devoid of any trace of common sense, whose analysis can be best described at utter hogwash?
WILL WORK FOR FOOD? But he still wants to get paid ....
LURITA DOAN: Obama's Lilliputian Legacy.
REWARDING THE NANNIES: The doctor is in -- and on your case.
BACK IN THE NEWS: Space-based solar power satellites. That is sooo 70's.
NYPD EVICTS 'Occupy Wall Street' protesters from Zuccotti Park, citing health and safety concerns. Note that there is no concern for the rights of the general public, under existing rules, to use the park for their own purposes.
PRESIDENT OBAMA will announce $1 billion in new spending to hire, train and deploy health-care controllers workers.
IS CNN biased against Republicans, completely in the tank for the Democrats, or merely so far to the left it can’t even see the right?

The correct answer is probably Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
INSTAPUNDIT thinks there's a market for space tourism. He's right. But the 'political class' has deemed space exploration too important to be exploited by the 'little people'. This is exactly the same argument that environmentalists have used for years: Gaia is to important to be subject to the mere whims of the public.
AT LEAST HE didn't use the odious Tea Party/OWS comparison.
BEAUTIFUL: Earth video taken from the International Space Station over a period of months. Roughly 5 minutes long.
SURELY HE WON'T OBJECT TO MY CALLING HIM DESPICABLE: Massachusetts Law Professor Calls Care Packages for U.S. Troops 'Shameful'.

There's a time for stupid people to shut up.
INSIDER TRADING is not for little people.
IT'S THE LICE, STUPID: I most fervently hope to avoid the looming confrontation with the Occupiers here in Los Angeles, not least for fear of the reported lice infestation.
SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP: Ex-cop boots OWS heckler from congressman's swearing-in.
TURNABOUT IS FAIR PLAY: NYC residents protesting the protesters.
NICE TO KNOW: World Will Not End From Solar Flare Next Year.
ANOTHER SIGN OF THE TIMES: Hawaiian Guitarist Wears ‘Occupy With Aloha’ Shirt While Playing For Obama, Other World Leaders. It's hard to fathom how any administration could be so tone deaf.