Sunday, May 19, 2013

OBAMA, THE BETRAYER. Is it time to throw him under his own bus?
GUN CONTROL: require chocolate bullets. For further amusement, read the comments.
SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT: build more cities. Here's an obvious question: if cities are so much more efficient places to live, why are they so much more expensive places to live?

Also left unmentioned is the fact that people are much easier to control when they've given up their independence to live in a city.
ONE SENTENCE that could save immigration reform.

Well, maybe. But immigration reform can't happen until the borders -- all borders -- are controlled. Actually controlled. Verifiably controlled, not 'declared secure' by some Homeland Security factotum.
HUCKABEE: Well, what do you know?
BEGGING, OR BULLYING? Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is hitting up health executives for help financing ObamaCare. My bet is on bullying. The Obama administration doesn't beg (well, except in foreign affairs).

WE'VE KNOWN FOR YEARS that California was sinking, but literally?
REIHAN SALAM: the debate about immigration and IQ.
One conceptual question for those of us with a humanitarian interest in bettering the lives of the global poor is this: should we try to rescue some trivial share of the global poor by allowing them to work and settle in the U.S., and accept that they will tend to cluster in the bottom fifth of the U.S. socioeconomic distribution while spending a significant sum of money to help them lead dignified lives in a high-cost country? Or should we devote this significant sum — or some much larger or even much smaller sum — to interventions that might benefit a much larger share of the global poor, e.g., by making investments in mitigating various environmental health risks? I can see the sentimental case for rescuing a trivial share of the global poor by allowing them to become U.S. service workers. It’s not clear, however, that this is the best strategy in terms of bang-for-the-buck....
I would ask this question: Aren't you further impoverishing the poor country by taking only its most skilled as immigrants?
CAN AVATARS help close the doctor-patient communication gap?

Frankly, I doubt it. From my experience, much of the 'doctor-patient communication gap' is that much, if not most, of what the doctor 'knows' about the patient is wrong. I know more about myself than any doctor, and I expect that's true of most people as well.
DARWIN AWARD CANDIDATE: New Colorado gun owner accidentally killed with her recently purchased assault rifle.

Let's see: she was drinking; the weapon had a loaded magazine inserted; there was a bullet in the chamber; the safety was off; and she handed off the weapon butt first.

And those were only the obvious safety violations....