Sunday, February 13, 2011

PENUMBRAS AND PRIVACY: a short - and enlightening - essay by one of Don Surber's commenters.

The post that led to the comment is here.
INTERESTING: Do corporations have First Amendment rights?
CONSERVATISM IS BACK -- and this time it's serious.
CRONY CAPITALISM: the revolving door spins. And it will continue until government is dramatically downsized.
THOSE IVY LEAGUERS, bitterly clinging to their credentials and their privileged opinion perches....
NASA'S UNCLEAR MISSION wasting big bucks. Surprise, surprise. Here's the money quote: "[T]he agency's inspector general warned that NASA is wasting hundreds of millions of dollars because it lacks a clear direction. The conflict exist because NASA policy legislation ... doesn't match a different law that appropriates money for the agency."

Right hand, meet left hand.

And that’s why dinosaurs are extinct.
SIGH. Peak Corn? Federal ethanol mandate drives corn supply-to-use ratio to 50-year low.

A short course on the Law of Unintended Consequences should be mandatory before any state or federal elected official takes office.
AN EXCELLENT SUMMARY of the first two years of the United States of Obama.
DUCK AND COVER: I suspect it’s good advice for other natural disasters (hurricanes, blizzards, earthquakes, etc.) as well. Our government's (think FEMA) “run about, scream-and-shout” strategy of evacuating every time Nature blinks does little more than clog the roads to prevent an emergency response.

I trust individual initiative a bit more that the government’s duly-certified ‘we are here to save you’ experts.

For those who are interested, Instapundit frequently posts on disaster preparedness. See here and here. Or if you want more, go to Instapundit and enter 'disaster preparedness' in the search box (right column; scroll down)