Saturday, September 23, 2017

POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures, End Times edition, is up. There are many good ones this week, on a variety of topics, but I chose to focus on Hillary. Here are the two best:

Now go see the rest.
AMAZON, GOOGLE, AND MICROSOFT: three reasons not to buy a robot.
NAH. THEY'RE JUST REVOLTING. Harvard faculty are revolting (over Chelsea Manning and Michelle Jones).

Harvard has roughly 2,000 full-time faculty members; of them only 156 (or 7.8%) have signed a petition demanding that the school reverse its decision to refuse admission to convicted child murderer Michelle Jones and to rescind a fellowship offer extended to Chelsea Manning.

What's (at least somewhat) surprising to me is that 92.2% of the faculty appear to be willing to let these goons - and that's what they are, goons - sully their reputations by association.
THE LIGHT IN HIS HALO BURNED OUT: Obama please go away!
CALIFORNIA: America's "rubber room".
I LOVE THIS ONE: "Why can’t my famous gender nonconforming friends get laid? To ask the question is to answer it."