Friday, July 03, 2020

WUHAN FLU [CORONAVIRUS] UPDATE for July 3, 2020: Since Tuesday's update, everything remains stable, despite the Deep State's best effort to create more panic. The rolling average of daily deaths continues to decline and the cumulative toll continues to flatten.

The estimated number of uninfected Americans continues to decline, which is a good thing as it is an estimator of herd immunity, now down to just under 52%, at 51.732%. The death rate continues to decline, now at 0.0828%, well below the accepted average seasonal flu death rate of about 0.1%.

Georgia remains open. The number of newly confirmed cases remains quite high, but the death rate remains quite low (only 7 today) and is declining again.
DEMOCRATS prepare for Independence Day.
While Americans celebrate Independence Day with fireworks, barbecues, and merrymaking, Democrats celebrate Dependence Day by staying inside and weeping over all the freedom going on outside. The celebrations conclude with the reading of the Communist Manifesto and the singing of "Imagine".
Just don't let their tears flood your home....

"Hands Paws up, don't shoot."
IN TEST RUN FOR DEFUNDING POLICE, Seattle's 'police-free' zone lasts 23 days.
UNFORTUNATELY, IN CORPORATE AMERICA striking the right attitude for your peers is more important than doing your damn job well.
LARRY ELDER: Random thoughts while not out 'protesting'.
THEY DON'T NEED TO THINK; THEY ALREADY KNOW IT ALL: The intelligentsia that cannot think.