Friday, May 30, 2014

I know you have been laying awake at night wondering why baby diapers have brand names such as "Luvs", "Huggies," and "Pampers', while undergarments for old people are called "Depends".

Well here is the low down on the whole thing.

When babies crap in their pants, people are still gonna Luv'em, Hug'em and Pamper em.

When old people crap in their pants, it "Depends" on who's in the will!

Glad I got that straightened out so you can rest your mind.
From my email.
WARNING LABEL for sugary drinks passes California Senate. What we really need is a warning label for stupid politicians....
Obama represents their utopian dreams where an anointed technocracy, exempt from the messy ramifications of its own ideology, directs from on high a socially just society — diverse, green, non-judgmental, neutral abroad, tribal at home — in which an equality of result is ensured, albeit with proper exemptions for the better educated and more sophisticated, whose perks are necessary to give them proper downtime for their exhausting work on our behalf.
With emphasis on the 'proper exemptions' for the true believers.

The article is here.
JEFF JACOBY: How political insiders control the ballot. And of course the rules they've created to keep outsiders off the ballot don't apply to them -- Conyers got a federal judge to put him back on the ballot. And he'll probably win; Michigan's 13th congressional district includes Detroit.
FRIDAY NIGHT CAT BLOGGING: Please welcome Rusty.

He joins Shadow, Daisy, and Diamond as the newest member of the cat family.
DURING SEQUESTRATION the federal government downsized the wrong employee.
CUSTOMERS TO RESTAURANT: If my gun isn’t welcome, neither is my money. Apparently money talks more loudly than misplaced fear; the restaurant reversed its decision.
WHEEL OF FORTUNE HOST Pat Sajak tweets on climate change; drives progressive Left to apoplexy.
THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH about climate change: the cat wags the flea on its tail, not the converse.
PRESIDING OVER A COLLEGE'S FINAL DAYS. Higher education is tough these days; it's even tougher if it's a small college.
DOES THIS look like the body of a weak foreign policy? By comparison with this, yes.
TODAY'S ENGINEER: How to Get Started as a Consultant. It's too late for me, but perhaps someone a bit younger and less risk averse can use the advice.
OF COURSE: Barack Obama Marks Death of Maya Angelou With A Picture Of ... Barack Obama.

Linked via Instapundit.