[W]hat is passing is not only a business but also a profession -- the journalistic tradition of nonpartisan objectivity.Heh.
Free markets, it turns out, often make poor fact-checkers, instead feeding the fantasies of conspiracy theorists from "birthers" to Sept. 11, 2001, "truthers."“Birthers” not including the Trig Palin fanticizers, of course.
"...Walter Cronkite prospered in the old environment, ..."And Tet was a victory, not a defeat.
[F]ew American bloggers have the resources or inclination to report from war zones, famines and genocides.Michael Yon, Michael Totten, J.D. Johannes. And Mudville Gazette, Blackfive. Maybe the mainstream media could consider engaging them?
[B]bloggers would have little to collect or comment upon without the costly enterprise of newsgathering and investigative reporting.Rathergate.
What is to be done? A lot of good people are working on it.Yes, but they’re not working in the mainstream media.
[Update & bump] Big Government isn't as kind to Gerson as I am.