Thursday, June 03, 2021

RANDOM THOUGHT: Since I'm paying for all those illegals crossing the border, you'd think at least I could get my lawn mowed.

And, yes, I'm aware that I'll be called racist! by a few wokesters, but they should recognize that they're mistaking me for someone who gives a crap about what they think.
DEBUNK THIS, you blue-checked Twits.
IT LOOKS LIKE THE USUAL SUSPECTS fell for the fake news about Big Tech, Matt Gaetz, and gun rights.

Most Americans don't have 'blue checks' on their Twitter accounts, so they can recognize hyperbole when they read it.
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BEING WHITE: Not having to be forced into the Progressives' identity cage.
JASON RILEY: Thomas Sowell's Harlem years.
CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY LEO TERRELL called out Chicago Democratic Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot as a "racist" for openly discriminating against white reporters.

So I guess Leo is a white supremacist?
AND I THOUGHT MY JOB was to build weapons that would efficiently break things and kill people.

Lockheed Martin used to be a good company to work for. Today? Well, I'm glad I'm retired....
TUCKER CARLSON: Scientists who no longer believe in science is a real problem for civilization.

Science is apolitical. Scientists, unfortunately, are not.
RICK MORAN: Rep. Matt Gaetz [R-FL] under fire for Second Amendment comments. Here's the comment:
The Second Amendment – this is a little history lesson for all the fake news media. The Second Amendment is not about, it’s not about hunting, it’s not about recreation, it’s not about sports. The Second Amendment is about maintaining, within the citizenry the ability to maintain an armed rebellion against the government if that becomes necessary. I hope it never does, but it sure is important to recognize the founding principles of this nation, and to make sure that they are fully understood.
Sorry, Rick, but you blew this one. Gaetz wasn't advocating 'an armed rebellion against Big Tech'; he was reminding our government that it is responsible to us, not conversely.

And I would remind Moran that the law-abiding citizenry, after well over a year of violent rioting by Antifa, Black Lives Matter and the progressive Left with no effective response by our duly-elected government mandarins. are slowly coming to the conclusion that if our government won't do its job, we may have to do it for them.

I have the right -- and the responsibility -- to protect myself, my family, and my property. If the government can't -- or won't -- do it, well then that's what the Second Amendment is for.