Wednesday, May 09, 2012

IS LUGAR’S LOSS an ‘Alarm Bell’ for the Death of Bipartisanship? No, but I think (hope) that we are witnessing the death of the entrenched bureaucracy; of those in public office who have come to believe their offices are their private fiefdoms, not public trusts. Good riddance.
ARE GOOGLE GLASSES in your future? Not if the YouTube spoofs are anywhere close....

UPDATE: Dilbert explains.

DNC CHAIR DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ seems to get it, saying, “It’s official: the Republican Party is now indistinguishable from the Tea Party.” Except she's wrong: the Republican Party is finally returning to its roots.
JUST THE FAX, MA'AM: A brief history of facsimile machine development. For me, the article is particularly interesting, because in 1979 I published a paper on a reduced memory Huffman code (A Modified Huffman Procedure with Reduced Memory Requirement, IEEE Transactions on Communications, COM-27, No. 6).
CITIBANKBIKE: Too Dumb to Fail. Quick question: why do pedal-powered bicycles need solar docking stations?
MAY DAY: March of the Idiots.
PROGRESSIVISM: For Every Problem, There’s A [Government] Solution!
THE UNITED NATIONS wants the U.S. to return Native American lands. Doesn't the UN have better things to do? If I were in their shoes, I'd be more worried about my cozy digs at Turtle Bay.
BLOWBACK. Elizabeth Warren Ancestor Rounded Up Cherokees For Trail of Tears.
WRITING AN OPINION CAN GET YOUR FIRED, but assuming a false identity does not?
FURTHER EVIDENCE the Left is racist.
DR. MILTON WOLF: Desperately avoiding Obamanomics and Obamacare.
The intertwined strands of evil DNA - Obamanomics and Obamacare - will determine the outcome of the 2012 election, and Barack Obama knows it. That’s why he desperately wants to talk about something else. Anything else. A failed stimulus. Shovel-ready jobs that even President Obama later admitted don’t exist. Auto takeovers. Bank bailouts. Mythical green jobs. And a historic American credit downgrade. Obamanomics has become the science of downward-sloping graphs.
Read it all.
IT'S LATE AT NIGHT on a dark road in the middle of nowhere, about to rain, and the low fuel light just came on in the Obama campaign bus.
WHAT MOTIVATES THE LEFT, love for the poor or hatred against the rich? Take a wild guess.

Ri-i-ight. Unless they're the rich, of course.
"THERE HAS BEEN MUCH CONCERN, rightly expressed, about the rusting of bridges around the country, and the crumbling and corrosion of other parts of the physical infrastructure. But the crumbling of the moral infrastructure is no less deadly." A democracy can survive a crumbling physical infrastructure; it cannot survive a crumbling moral one.
PATRICK HENRY didn’t say 'Give me safety, or give me death'.
HEH, INDEED: "Where does the intersection occur between a nanny state that has an inexhaustible urge to ban everything, and a welfare state that has a similarly unquenchable desire to tax everything?"
OBAMA not a fan of Christmas?
UNDER OBAMACARE, "your Medicare card will simply give you the right to wait in a very long line to see your doctor if you can find one."
THIS SHOULD GET INTERESTING: FOX political commentator and former Clinton advisor Dick Morris is planning to rebut every Obama political advertisment. Here is his first rebuttal.
THE TIPPING POINT HAS BEEN REACHED: Man is going to space again. This time to stay.

Environmentalists are going to be upset to learn that we're now ready to 'exploit the solar system'.
TIME TO ABANDON AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: "[I]sn't the idea that the blond, blue-eyed Elizabeth Warren suffered some terrible disadvantage and is in need of special preference because she is one-thirty-second Cherokee just laugh-out-loud funny?"