Tuesday, April 30, 2019

REPUBLICANS SEE THE LAND OF THE FREE; Democrats see the land of the freeloader.
Key graf:
Mice die in mousetraps because they do not understand why the cheese is free.
The same thing happens with socialism.
Millennial-age Democrats need to keep that thought in mind. Seriously.
GEORGIA'S NOT 'BIG ENOUGH' FOR HER: Stacey Abrams won't run for U.S. Senate in Georgia.

Like Beto, she didn't fail high enough, so she'll almost certainly be seeking to fail higher.
WELL, GOOD: I'm not going to miss the climate Armageddon.

If Beto makes it to the Oval Office (fat chance!) I'm sure his first executive order will be to delay climate change for 8 years....
WE ALREADY KNOW IT INCREASES STUPIDITY: California tap water could increase cancer risk.

Heh. Linked from Townhall.