Wednesday, March 25, 2020

IF ONLY: Nation to use coronavirus as convenient excuse to quarantine California.

Build that wall!

Still pretty much same old, same old. Confirmed cases are still increasing along the trend lines, both globally and within the U.S. The same is true with death rate globally, and the U.S. rate has increased since yesterday. New York cases showing up due to increased testing?

Reminder: 99.91% of the U.S. population is still unaffected by the coronavirus. Remind your local, city, county, state, and federal government critters -- with a 2x4 as needed.

UPDATE: PowerLine has more.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Watching television (which is becoming rarer and rarer as the days pass) I notice that the 'cover your ass' pandemic is spreading rapidly among the talking heads.
RANDOM THOUGHT: I'd love to practice social distancing, but there are so many idiots....
GOOD MORNING: 99.917% of Americans have not yet been infected by the Wuhan flu.