Wednesday, December 10, 2014

COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL and 'existential worry'. My 'existential worry' (whatever the hell it is) is that these coddled, immature little twits will someday be foisted on the general public.
YOUR SCREWED UP LIFE is your own responsibility.
“There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences.” - P.J. O’Rourke

“We seem to be moving steadily in the direction of a society where no one is responsible for what he himself did,but we are all responsible for what somebody else did, either in the present or in the past.” – Thomas Sowell
And I, for one, am truly tired of being penalized by rules designed to cater to the irresponsible.
SOME RAPES are more equal than others. Especially those that advance a preferred narrative.
JONATHON GRUBER: Aborting poor children saves taxpayers money. That's pocket change. Think of the savings that can be had by 'aborting' seniors: Medicare, Social Security, skilled nursing facilities....

I will point out that the headline is misleading, since the paper in question was a pure exercise in number-crunching. But the point remains: to be -- or become -- solvent, ObamaCare will have to resort to rationing of medical care, and that will come at one or both ends of life.
EX-CIA OFFICIAL: Senators claiming they weren’t briefed on torture had no time for briefings in 2004. “So their ardor for the truth is I think a little greater now than it was at the time....”
PARTY OF [BAD] IDEAS: Democrats to revive gun control push.
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS when you don't punch back.

Fortunately there are many in and around the itelligence community who are punching back: here, here, here, here, and here.
THE FATAL CONCEIT of Jonathon Gruber progressives everywhere.
WHEN THE STATES began to close their insane asylums, all the nut cases seem to have gravitated to college camupses.

Either that, or there's a requirement for certified insanity in the hiring process....

[Full Disclosure] I was a college professor for a few years post-PhD. Then I got smart.
GRUBER TOLD THE TRUTH ABOUT OBAMACARE — then he was sworn in. The biggest lie was his apology for calling American voters stupid. He believed it then; he believes it now.
HERE COME THE CLOWNS ENVIRONMENTALISTS: Lima Climate Talks Set for Record Carbon Footprint.
SO LOUISANA is dominated by racist bigots? Well, they are Republicans....
SHOP’S PRO-GUN POLICY proves useful during robbery attempt.

Not wise to confront someone who carries.

In my remarks, I talked about the dangerous path down which President Obama and his policies are taking us. It’s a transformation from an information economy, where what you know matters most, to an influence economy, where WHO you know is all that counts.

Here are some excerpts from my speech, printed in The Wall Street Journal (12/8/14):
“We can see an influence economy starting to take shape. CEOs are becoming less concerned about inventing the right products, targeting the right markets and hiring the right people in hopes of making a respectable profit for investors—and more concerned about getting the right lobbyists, retaining the right lawyers and attending the right fundraisers in hopes of getting a hefty subsidy from taxpayers.”

“Making the right campaign contributions are becoming as important to a company as its research and development budget, and federal-compliance lawyers will soon outnumber patent lawyers.”

“Fully implemented, Obama ’s influence economy will be one where ordinary Americans must get permission from a government agency or department before they can buy, build, invest or hire. It’s an economy rooted in mandates and waivers, tax credits and targeted subsidies, Federal grants and government loan guarantees.”
From my email.
NO SHIT? Almost six years after the passage of the stimulus package [Recovery and Reinvestment Act], taxpayer dollars have finally found their way into a shovel ready project: $60,000 to haul horse manure.

Yes, shit.
SHOOTING BLANKS: Democrats push to revive failed gun control legislation.
"When you don’t pass background checks, it’s just much more likely that someone will get their hands on an illegal gun and use it to kill their neighbors or their classmates,” said Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT).
Let me see if I've got this right: passing background check legislation will prevent people from getting their hands on illegal guns.

Admittedly I'm mixing up weapons in the metaphor, but these Democrats sure as hell aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer....
OBAMA'S EXECUTIVE ORDER ON AMNESTY wasn't an order; it was a whisper.
HEH. THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN: Liberals turn on South after Landrieu rout.

Much more here. I particularly like this quote: "The Left is losing its mind, and it is a wonderful thing to behold."

And still more here.
HATE SPEECH: Obama goes on profanity-laced tirades against the media that loves him. Not enough, obviously.

Much, much, much more here.
HAS BARBARA BOXER (D-CA) gotten the message? Next question: Will Diane Feinstein (also D-CA)?