Monday, May 20, 2019

POLLING PREFERENCES: "I don't think polls capture 'we loath you cynical, evil bastards' very accurately."
RANDOM THOUGHT: I find it somewhat amusing that all the (progressive) Democrat candidates are demanding higher taxes, yet not one is willing to write a check to the U.S. Treasury unless they can force the conservatives to do so as well.
ANOTHER REASON I'm glad to be retired.

It's not just managers; it's any male who has any supervisory responsibility for female co-workers. And I'm betting there are more and more women worried about their male subordinates.
TRUMP HAS MADE AMERICA LESS RACIST: Anti-black and anti-Hispanic prejudice has declined since 2016. I would almost bet that a similar study would show that anti-black and anti-Hispanic prejudice increased during the Obama administration.
MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS: Texas asserts sovereign immunity against Congress.
VENEZUELA NORTH: Canadian government imposes social justice on all universities.
VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS: They’re gonna put you all back in chains!

No, thanks.