Thursday, July 07, 2016

NASA HAS EXTENDED the New Horizons mission and repositioned the spacecraft on a course to 2014 MU69, a recently discovered object in the Kuiper belt at the edge of our solar system.
HILLARY: it's only classified if it's marked. [Even then she still failed.]
GADGETS: A wearable band for motion sickness.
HEH: A field guide to encountering a Social Justice Warrior. Luckily for me, they'e not typically found in the wild. Their normal habitat is the nooks and crannies around college campuses.
WHEN I GROW UP, I want to be like him.

Put the words in either mouth; it rings true either way.
ADVANCED GIBBERISH: Is this even remotely intelligible? In any known language?
CONCEALED CARRIER takes down shooter at South Carolina nightclub.

Beyond the novelty of a published 'good guy with a gun' article, there's an interesting pair of comments between 'Eric Embervine' and 'Billca' that gets at what is, to me, the core of the gun control debate -- the presumption on the part of non-owners of some sort of 'cowboy mentality' on the part of the CC permit holder. I don't carry because I'm a wannabe vigilante; I carry because I recognize that there is a very small, but very real, risk in today's world, and I want to be prepared to defend myself/my family should that ever become necessary.
NOT LIKELY IN PROGRESSIVE-STAN: May free speech reign and scientific inquiry prevail.
THERE ARE EASIER WAYS TO COMMIT SUICIDE: Ohio Professor Calls For Shooting Up NRA Headquarters, Ensuring “No Survivors”...
HE NEEDS TO 'ELECT' A BETTER CLASS OF VIRTUE SIGNALERS NEIGHBORS: How vegetarians, gluten-frees, grain-frees and other L.A. food tribes ruined my BBQ tradition.