Monday, January 25, 2010

IT WAS RATHER INCREDIBLE for Barack Obama to express outrage over the Supreme Court's pruning of McCain-Feingold's regulation of public financing and corporate campaign donations, since in June 2008 Obama became the first presidential candidate to forgo public financing in the general election, expecting that by doing so he could raise several millions more, much of it from the Wall Street and big-money interests that he now serially demonizes.
WHITE HOUSE senior adviser Valerie Jarrett says that "we turned the economy around."

It was improving when Obama took office?

Via Neal Boortz.
GREAT MOMENTS IN THE NANNY STATE: “New York's proposed soda tax would make a six pack of Coke a hair more expensive than a six pack of cheap beer.”

Look for lots of skinny drunks.
JIM GERAGHTY eviscerates David Plouffe, Obama’s campaign manager, on his diagnosis of what Democrats need to do in 2010. Here’s a small taste:

They’ve got the casual, laid-back charm of Barbara Boxer in California; the even-tempered verbal delicacy of Jim Moran in Virginia; the raw, energetic charisma of Michael Bennet in Colorado; the warm, confidence-inspiring leadership of Harry Reid in Nevada; the cutting-edge style and deeply-held principles of Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania, the common people’s touch of Baron Hill in Indiana, the dedication to state values and views of Blanche Lincoln in Arkansas; and the even-tempered, sensible rhetoric of Alan Grayson. Plouffe’s right, it’s hard to see a crew like this making a mistake on the campaign trail and seeming out of touch with their constituents.
Read it all.
[L]AST WEEK Obama played his populist card by going after Wall Street; result, the stock market promptly tanks by more than 500 points. So long, farewell, adieu, auf wiedersehen! Way to go, Barack: all those old folks nearing retirement ... too bad!
I KIN REDE: Obama at school.

A MODEST PROPOSAL for curing lower back pain and restoring the economy.

Well, the idea is better than what the Democrats have already tried.

If I were a Democrat I'd declare the U.S. to be a third-world country and ask the United Nations for economic assistance.
MONDAY, Monday.

Another day, another delay ....