Thursday, March 22, 2012

VIRGINIA ATTORNEY GENERAL Ken Cuccinelli announced his candidacy for Governor of Virginia (in 2013) today.
WHY WON'T THE DEMOCRATS adopt a budget? Read the comments.
AL QAEDA killed an American teacher in Yemen because he was trying to spread Christianity in the mainly Muslim Arab nation.

It's past time to admit that Al Qaeda and its Islamist supporters are nothing short of savages and to start treating them as such.
IF YOU THINK education hasn't morphed into proselytization, think again.
ENVIRONMENTAL 'PROTECTION' AGENCY gets a swift kick in the teeth. Now it's time to elect a Republican President and Congress and perform a full extraction of those remaining.

Here's a question that the Congress and Supreme Court should ponder: What if I were to accidentally (or intentionally, for that matter) create an EPA-defined 'wetland du jour' (since there's obviously no statuatory definition) on my own property ... would the EPA require I fill it in? Or take it away?
THE WAR ON WOMEN: Two views by Peggy Noonan and
Vox Day. I would argue that they're both right; sort of like seeing both sides of the same coin. There's both a culture gap and an age gap, with Noonan reflecting the older, more civil side and Day reflecting the younger, more uncivil side of the gaps.
"SMART" isn't about intelligence; it's about control.
RE-ELECT ME; it could be worse. If there's anything the Obama administration knows how to do, it's keep digging.
VIDEO OF THE DAY: A guy rigged a remote controlled motorbike with a skeleton that has a speaker attached to it driving the bike. The guy hides across the street from a walled cemetery and when people walk by it at night the skeleton rides up quietly on his motor bike and scares the bejeebers out of them. The video is hysterical.

VISION MATTERS; inevitability matters less.
FACT-CHECKING death panels.
WILL BILL MAHER go the way of Keith Olbermann? To brain-dead Zombie Land?
WHEN YOU BREAK THE LAW, it's generally not a good idea to brag about it in public.
CALLING TIME on life's wasted moments: "The authorities seem very keen to extend my life, so much so that I now spend a fair proportion of every day listening to health warnings. If I followed all the advice, my life would be extended by 2½ years, which is, coincidentally, exactly the same amount of time I would have spent listening to all the health warnings."
LIBERAL DOGMA; liberal progress.
HOT NEW TREND: Carefree Hipsters Go For Funemployment, Starve-cation.

Linked from Instapundit, where high gas prices really aren't such a bad thing (and I just paid for my third sixty-plus dollar tank of gas).