Monday, May 10, 2021

POWERLINE: A Mother's Day wish.

More here.
ABOUT TIME:I’m done complying with COVID restrictions.

Welcome to the revolution.
POWERLINE'S WEEK IN PICTURES (which I forgot) posted Saturday, but better late than never. Here's my favorite:
And I hope to see this many, many more as times. Now go see the rest.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Fund the federal government by simply printing money; let inflation distribute the burden to the citizenry.

It worked in Venezuela. Right?

Update & bump to top:
It was just a random thought on my part, but the Biden administration seems to be taking it seriously.
FOR THE LEFT, it is only “democracy” when Democrats win.

And pointing this out is racist.
GOOD GRIEF: California’s new math framework demands educators ‘teach toward social justice’.

If this Leftist lunacy had been in place when I was in school I would have never made it through to a PhD in engineering.

But then I'm white; it would have been a 'socially just' outcome....
IS BLOGGING BACK? Former President Donald Trump launched a new communications platform that will allow him to communicate with followers after previously being banned from posting on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

INSTAPUNDIT thinks it is, and it's about time to use the loony Left's own weapons against them.
MOCK THEM. LAUGH AT THEM: A revised history of the 1619 Project.

Then ignore them.