Monday, August 19, 2019

IT'S HARD TO TALK ABOUT THE HORRIBLE THINGS THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN: Two years after losing an anti-gun lawsuit, University of Texas professors won't talk about campus carry.
CALIFORNIA CRAZY. At the presidential candidate level:
Kamala Harris' poorly thought out gun control proposals.

Kamala Harris' hypocrisy on guns.
And at the state level:
An utterly insane 'ammunition law'.
Maybe we should just forget about reopening insane asylums and just give the crazies one-way bus tickets to California....
YEAH, RIGHT: You should totally trust our elite institutions.
JULY 2019: claimed to be the hottest July ever.

Read the comments, which are decidedly against the 'hottest month ever' claim. Note that the claimers are the climate-change 'experts' who spend their time in air-conditioned ivory towers; the naysayers are you's and me's who actually spend their time outdoors in the 'climate'.
'LOST' ANGELES: How liberal policies helped turn a homeless problem into a full-blown crisis. From the comments:
I have personally seen this mess grow for years. Yes, there are some mentally disabled, but the majority of the homeless are not, and believe it or not, they are homeless because they want to be. Go offer one of them a job and see what the response is. They are with like-type people who share their love of drug addiction. This problem will never be solved in Los Angeles or anywhere else as long as the homeless continue to get free money, food, tents, and needles. Stop rewarding those who are not able to display personal responsibility. Take those who have mental problems and drug addiction and civilly commit them to institutions. Build more mental institutions, not housing units because the majority of the homeless want to be on the street, not in a housing unit. Quit being political and become practical...
More reason to permit - even encourage - involuntary committment to mental health facilities.
INCONVENIENT FACTS: Mass shootings aren't becoming more common – and evidence contradicts stereotypes about the shooters.

Of the four inconvenient facts, three strike me as fairly clearly myths; the other - mental health - is, to me, not a myth. It strikes me as obvious that all mass shooters are nuts; but equally obvious that not all nuts are mass shooters. The problem is how to distinguish the former from the latter.

I think President Trump has roughly the correct idea, which is to use the 'gun control' hysteria to address the root causes (largely mental illness, in my opinion) more generally.

And that includes reopening mental hospitals (formerly insane asylums) and encouraging involuntary committment under judicial supervision.
Never underestimate anyone who is unbound by reality or standards of decency. That’s not only Tlaib and Omar, but every Democrat and nearly the entire media.
Taken from this post about two of our Congressional guttersnipes.
SO TELL ME AGAIN which party is racist.
THE LEFT'S HYPOCRISY exposed in two tweets.

MORE BREAKING NEWS from America's new paper of record: 'Antifa' activist unable to join protest after forgetting ski mask in Mom’s car.