Wednesday, February 27, 2013

WITH CUTS LOOMING, what has Obama done to reduce cost of presidential travel? Take a wild guess....
OBAMACARE WON'T ADD A DIME TO DEFICITS; it will add 62 trillion dimes.

Gladys Ingle died in 1981 at the age of 82.
WHY IS THIS MONTH-OLD CLIP of an ex-Secret Service agent suddenly going viral? Because the sun is setting on the Age of Aquarius.
NORMATIVE: This is the kind of claptrap psychobabble that infects the 'minds' (I use the term used loosely) of liberals.
JUAN WILLIAMS: Liberal media will ‘shut you down, stab you, kill you, fire you’ if you disagree. As a black who strayed from the liberal plantation, he should know.
FOR THE FIRST TIME in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my celebrityhood...
WE’RE GETTING CLOSE to the point at which our bullying government will no longer be legitimate.
RACE HUSTLER on the public dole.
PAUL RAHE: Obama's next move. Our next move should be to punch back -- hard.
DEPARTMENT OF INSANITY: I'd be all for it, if we could sequester the Democrats in it.
DOES IT OCCUR TO YOU that Captain Queeg President Obama may be insane? Yes. Yes, it does.