Sunday, March 08, 2015

POWERLINE: Get your Hillary Clinton action figure now! I’d get one if I could be assured that her campaign would blow up as the action figure did.
SURELY NOT FOX NEWS: Obama says he learned of Clinton using private email through news reports.

For those of you old enough to remember the comedy series Get Smart, I must say that the Obama administration has not significantly improved the Cone (now Bubble) of Silence.
NO, THEY RAN OUT OF PINOCCHIOS: Does anyone fact-check the President?

They're going for (30 Rock) bottom.
MICHAEL WALSH: What the Left Doesn’t Get About Robert A. Heinlein.
MATT BAI: Biden should run. After six years, one thing I think we know for certain is that Biden is a better man than the current President, and I suspect would be a stronger candidate than Hillary.
NORTHROP AND BOEING could lose their last chance at staying in the fighter market. 'Staying in the market' has been a problem throughout the defense industry ever since the acquisition ‘reforms’ of the early 1980s.
ENVIRONMENTAL ‘PROTECTION’ AGENCY: transparency is only for air and water.
SHE’S IMPRESSIVE: An interview with Carly Fiorina.
MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY: Magnetic nanoparticles show promise to prevent strokes and heart attacks.
FEEL-GOOD STORY OF THE DAY: Young Blackhawks fan skates for the first time – and scores a goal!
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The audacity of weakness. I would have titled it ‘The audacity of a dope’.
AND I THOUGHT IT WAS FOX NEWS: ISIS may have roots in climate change.
WHAT? There are adults in academia? Apparently so. (A few, at least.)