Sunday, December 16, 2012

CLEARLY WE NEED a nationwide discussion about hammer control.

SANTA may be a bit late this Christmas.

He's converted his sleigh to rear deer drive.
EXPLAINING why there is a Post Office.
ARE GUNS, TWINKIES, AND BIG GULPS really a major public health threat?
REPUBLICANS should make the middle-class tax cuts permanent.

This strikes me as a good idea, for several reasons. First, I think it would good, especially for small business, to give some long-term stability for tax planning. Second, it would be difficult for Obama and the Democrats to back away from now that they've turned away from 'tax the rich' to 'save the middle class tax cuts'. Finally, by taking taxes off the negotiating table, it should strengthen the Republican case for spending cuts when the next debt ceiling crisis begins.
ZOE'S STORY: ObamaCare and my daughter.
THE MEDIA should be ashamed of its Connecticut coverage. Correct. My daughter was in Newtown earlier today to pay her respects. According to her, there were more media than residents, and in her brief visit she was asked several times for an interview.
I'M PRETTY SURE Democrats didn't contribute.
AN EXAMPLE of dripping sarcasm.
MAYBE THE ISSUE isn't gun control.
WILLING TO LEARN? Of course not.
OBAMACARE: "More paperwork. More waste. Less accountability. Less care. Government malpractice."

There is, perhaps, a bright side to ObamaCare. More and more physicians are opting out and moving to 'concierge care' (essentially cash only services). My wife's internist has done so, and I'm seriously considering asking her to make that a 'family plan' instead of opting for Medicare Part B when the time comes.
NEWS FOR MEN: Chivalry is now 'benevolent sexism'. If you're so accused, the best defense is "I'm sorry, I thought you were a lady."
NEWT GINGRICH: After the cliff.
ANOTHER OBAMACARE LAWSUIT: Do the religious have any rights?