Sunday, November 03, 2013

IT'S NOT FRAUD if the government does it.

It sticks in my craw to pay the worthless bastards more than they already make, but perhaps it would be worth it if they could be induced to spend less time in office....
MARK STEYN: "Obamacare is not a left–right issue; it’s a fraud issue."
KLAVAN ON CULTURE on Barack Obama's narrative illusions: "[T]his was not a man who actually wanted to do — or was even capable of doing — the work of a chief executive. He just thought it would be an all around Good Thing if he could live out his fantasy of being in that part."
GLOBAL WARMING may prevent a Little Ice Age.
[NOT SO] SCARY STUFF FOR REPUBLICANS - "It was a dire WSJ/NBC News poll that drove Republicans to the exits on the partial federal shutdown three weeks ago. Now it’s the Democrats turn for a fright. The president’s tanking poll numbers and the surge in concern over the beleaguered ObamaCare rollout will push more moderate Democrats to conclude that their best path is away from the president and his law. Shutdowns are temporary. ObamaCare is forever."

From the Fox News politics blog.