Wednesday, October 02, 2013


White House Ordering Hundreds of Privately Run, Privately Funded Parks to Close.

Shutdown: National Park Service Closes Self-Sustaining Colonial Farm It Hasn’t Supported Since 1980.

Shutdown Fascism In the Smoky Mountains.

The comments at Instapundit are astonishing -- and uplifting. Here are three:
These Park Service actions are perfect invitations for 'Civil Disobedience'. I would not be surprised to hear of more barricades being torn down and tossed aside.

Just like the old man once said: 'Tear down this wall.'

• Go anyway.
• Ignore or remove their stupid barriers.
• Disobey civily.
• Enjoy the trails.
• Leave only footprints.
In short, act like any sensible American citizen. None of us needs the feds’ permission to use parks.
Remove the 'barrycades' and reinstall them around the White House.

UPDATE: I'm not alone in my thoughts.

OFF ON A GENDER-BENDER: "Today’s entirely predictable and un-satirizable headline comes from the Puffington Host: “Nadine Schweigert, North Dakota Woman, ‘Marries Herself,’ Opens Up About Self-Marriage.” The only questions here are: what took us so long, and will the IRS allow an additional dependent exemption on the Form 1040?"

This almost makes me glad I'm retired.
SHUTDOWN APOCALYPSE DAY ONE: Recon and Car Repair. Day Two: it's still the same, and I'm only 30 miles from the epicenter. But I didn't venture inside the beltway.
IT CAN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS: Dumbocrats Democrats Pay Union Members to Protest World War II Vets.
HARRY REID: Republicans take the White House; order WWII Memorial closed.
WWII VETS take trophy from Obama.

The Honor Flight tour schedule is here. My wife and I will be there Saturday to support them.

UPDATE: comment from another web site: "NORMANDY WAS CLOSED WHEN WE GOT THERE, TOO."
IT BEGINS: First Obamacare security breach leaks 2,400 Americans’ information.

Go ahead, be among the first to entrust your personal information to the government.
PIERS MORGAN to lose his primetime CNN slot? We can hope.
WELL, IT'S BETTER than sitting around watching the government spin out of control....
FLOTUS TWEETS: Shutdown Will Shut Down Her Twitter Feed. Someone must have forgotten to tell her that the White House, and its staff, is unaffected by the shutdown.

But we should never look a gift horse in the mouth....
BACKLASH: Judicial Watch files FOIA for information related to closing of WWII Memorial.

I call civil insurrection.

Based on what I've heard and seen on radio and television today, I'm inclined to believe that we're starting to see widespread civil disobedience, even borderning on civil insurrection. Americans are increasingly annoyed by the Obama administrations arrogance, and beginning to understand that they don't need -- or want -- a government docent to help them go to the bathroom.
RIP: Tom Clancy dies at age 66.
FROM MY EMAIL: Brilliant Prophecy From 93 Years Ago.
H.L. Mencken (born 1880 - died 1956) was a journalist, satirist, critic, and Democrat. He wrote this editorial while working for the Baltimore Evening Sun, which appeared in the July 26, 1920 edition.
As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron.
-- H.L. Mencken, The Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
So it was written and so it has come to pass.
NON SEQUITUR: Just change the name 'Earl' to 'Government' and you've got it.
JEEZ: Democrats call medical device tax 'stupid'; vow not to repeal it. Makes perfect nonsense.
REMEMBER: You're just little people.
The last continuing resolution (H.J.Res.59) that the House of Representatives sent to the Senate would have delayed the ObamaCare individual mandate for one year and eliminated the healthcare subsidies for Congress and their staff.

The vote in the Senate was along party lines -- all 46 Republicans voted for the bill -- all 51 Democrats voted against the bill, essentially shutting down the government (which unfortunately doesn't shut down)

Democratic Majority Leader, Harry Reid said this : “This time the House has attached a poison pill that would punish 16,000 congressional staff,” he said.

He could not be any more clear that he considers ObamaCare a "punishment" and doesn't want it for himself and his staff. But he's bound and determined that the rest of us have to live with it. [emphasis mine.]
From my email. Makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over, doesn't it?