Saturday, January 29, 2022

BIDEN ADMIN PLEDGES GOAL OF ZERO TRAFFIC FATALITIES ... and how do you suppose it'll accomplish that?

By raising the prices of gasoline/diesel to heights no one can afford....
SCOTUS DUDE to look like a lady woman?

It would not surprise me at all....
WASHINGTON POST applies carefully reasoned rhetoric to convince anti-vaxxers to change their minds.

For progressives, 'reality' is on Twitter and their laptops/smartphones. I'd really enjoy it when they find that Twitter, their laptops and smartphones don't deliver food to their homes; fuel to their planes, trains, and automobiles; heat to their homes and apartments; and electricity to power their appliances. Trucks do.

I'd really enjoy their collapse except for one minor factor -- I happen to live in the real world that surrounds their fantasy world.
THIS IS HIGHER EDUCATION TODAY: Admissions counselor says Republican applicants are part of an 'oppressive group'.

If Leftists weren't as stupid as they obviously are, they'd increase admission rates for Republican candidates so as to inculcate them into the 'one true faith'....
IT CAN'T COME TOO SOON: The coming dethronement of Joe Biden.
WRONG. New scientific paper claims octopuses are actually aliens from outer space.

The aliens are actually progressives.
RANDOM THOUGHT ON UKRAINE, ETC. We're in in world of hurt, led by an administration that can only be (charitably) described as morons striving to become idiots.