FALLING LEAVES 2021. Week 10:
We had a little rain and a lot of high wind this week, so the leaf fall was spectacular. I had cleared our road in the days earlier while grading, and when I left early in the morning, it was clear. When I returned after the wind died down, there were sections where the gravel road was no longer visible under the newly blown down leaves.
Now on to the pictures. Here are my two staples -- the pond view and fire pit/barn from our deck.
The pond is clearly visible now, and that's probably the best view we'll ever have through the forest. The fire pit view shows the deciduous trees are nearly nude -- only a few 'bitter clingers' left.
This next photo is a scenic view from our neighbor's house -- in the summer about all you can see is the trees in their back yard.
Here's our house, taken on the trek back from our neighbor's home. If it's green, or mostly green, it's an evergreen. But even those pines have lost a lot this year. And the road was completely clear of leaves a few days ago.
This is my 'jungle' picture taken from the driveway on the south side of the house. It's finally pretty clear of the undergrowth that dominates in the summer. If you think it looks relatively flat, think again -- that's about a 45 degree slope going down into the ravine leading to the creek.
The next two are pond pictures. The first is the fountain, taken from the far side from our house (wish we had as clear a view from our deck) and the second is looking toward our house from the far side. The stairs leading up to the house are kinda-sorta visible just to the right of center.
And finally, the holdouts. This picture was taken nearly straight up from below the tree. It happens to be the same one visible in the fountain picture above.
Until next week, then....