Monday, September 14, 2020

FIRE FANATICISM: "The massive wildfires raging in the west right now are proof that the climate change debate is over."

DON'T BELIEVE YOUR LYING EYES: It's all about the narrative, dammit!
P.J. O'ROURKE: Millennials, socialism, and Ding Dongs.

Don't vote for Ding Dongs....
I'M NOT PARTICULARLY A FAN OF AMAZON, but they're making the right decision.

And speaking of 'hanging from lampposts', I have a backhoe and my neighbor has extra lampposts....
YES, OUR GOVERNMENT MANDARINS AND THEIR APPARATCHIKS ARE INCOMPETENT: Sweden's coronavirus herd immunity plan vindicated.
WUHAN FLU [CORONAVIRUS] UPDATE for September 14, 2020 (note scale change):
It's over. It's really, really over. I've been noting over the last couple of days the mainstream media hyperventilating "OMG! Deaths are spiking! Lockdown! Lockdown!" And yes, on Friday I did note a small spike in daily deaths, but it was an anomoly, not a trend.

The news remains good ... 7- and 14- day smoothed data shows deaths continuing to decline. Hospitalizations continue to drop, and the death rate expressed as a percentage of confirmed cases (2.87%) and total tests performed (0.21%) remains low and declining.

As I noted above for the U.S. as a whole, the coronavirus 'pandemic' in Georgia is over and done. Confirmed cases have now dropped to 1/3 the July peak, daily deaths by a half, and hospitalizations remain down by half.
CONGRESSIONAL LEAKERS (like Adam Schiff) need to be investigated, prosecuted, and jailed.
IF THERE IS NO FREEDOM OF RELIGION (Judge allows LA county to shut down church), then why is the Church of Critical Race Theory is allowed to continue unabated?

The question is self-answering.
SHE SHOULD SWITCH PARTIES: Tulsi Gabbard breaks from the Democrat pack and comes out against Netflix for its movie 'Cuties'.

I'm actually of two minds here -- Gabbard (and I've been watching her) is clearly closer to Republican orthodoxy than to that of the current Democrat party; on the other hand, the Democrats desperately need some part of their membership to remain sane.
A BRIEF LESSON in 'woke' math.
CNN PRESIDENT JEFF ZUCKER: "You cannot be elected president of the United States without CNN."

I dunno; Trump was in fact elected. It's hard to believe that MSM leaders are "cruder, dumber, and more corrupt" than I think since my confidence in them is only fractionally above absolute zero.

Read it all.
WELL, WELL, ANTIFA HAS A DIVERSITY PROBLEM: "Six Karens and Zippy the Pinhead. And all as honkie as me.”

Actually I think it's 5 Karens and 2 Zippys ... but it's hard to tell from the photos.
ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, NEXT YEAR'S FIRE SEASON COULD BE RATHER MILD: The northern California wildfire is now the largest in the state's history.
HMM. DID JOE BIDEN accidentally show his super-secret teleprompter for 'spontaneous' interviews?

It also looks like TOTUS is readying for the campaign trail again....
INTENTIONALLY ACCIDENTAL: How accidental can you get?
END THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE -- because Trump is evil.
WHO'D HAVE THUNK IT? The COVID-19 pandemic keeps proving deadly to liberty.

Restore freedom when the pandemic is over? In your dreams. It will be done forcibly or not at all.
SUDDENLY THEY CARE ABOUT THE FLAG ... because suddenly we don't care about the NFL.

Read it all.
FROM THIS WEEK'S EDITION of PowerLine's Week in Pictures, here's my favorite:
Now go see the rest.