Monday, October 19, 2015

WANT A GOOD JOB? Move to Russia. Or Kuwait, Iceland, or the United Arab Emirates.
ROGER KIMBALL: Why the Left hates freedom. Or, as Instapundit has succinctly put it, "insufficient opportunities for graft."
SPECIAL REPORT: Is quality healthcare slipping away?

Bottom Line: "If healthcare in this country is going to be the best in the world, Obamacare has to be repealed and replaced with a system that puts patients and doctors, not bureaucrats, in charge of healthcare decisions."
"ONCE AGAIN, the Party of Science gets a face full of actual science."
LEAD, FOLLOW, OR CRATER: Republican Party facing its moment of truth.

What the Washington insiders and beltway pundits fail to understand about the Tea Party is that we don't expect the Republicans to win every battle, what we want is for them to fight -to get our ideas out in the public domain, promote them, and make the Democrats defend their wacky progressivism.

Donald Trump understands the Tea Party; the Republican establishment does not. That's why his poll numbers are increasing while the establishment remains flat.

RELATED: Cruz understands.
IF ELECTED INDICTED, I will not serve I'll just pardon myself.
VIRGINIA DRIVERS refusing to return Confederate license plates. "[G]overnment’s job is now to protect [hurt] feelings rather than lives."
SECRETS OF THE GENERAL LEE: there were lots of General Lee's.
RICHARD FERNANDEZ: What Putin wants in Syria.

The problem with Obama - and progressives generally - is that he sincerely believes that his worldview is the correct - and only - worldview and thus everyone must share it. The fact that they don't is obviously impossible and therefore dismissed without further thought.

Click through to read Fernandez' entire post.
NO, BERNIE SANDERS, Scandinavia is not a socialist utopia.
THE DEMOCRATS continue to be obsessed with guns and weather, the two biggest things they can’t do anything about. Precisely -- because they can't do anything about them. For the whiners, guns and weather are talking-point gifts that keep on giving.
READER RESPONSE to the Washington Examiner's question about which theme will prevail on Election Day: 1) 'Elect the first woman president' or 2) 'Make America great again':
The answer is both - when Carly Fiorina is elected. - Michael Hankamer
Heh. (And they spelled my name right.)
IT'S EVERYONE'S FAULT BUT OURS: Kerry says climate change made the Syrian civil war worse. (And climate change is America's fault.)
NEVER MET A TAX HE DIDN'T LIKE: Sanders promises to raise taxes on all Americans.

Question: Why doesn't he just move to one of those socialist Scandanavian countries he loves so much? Answer: They probably wouldn't take him.