Monday, May 04, 2020

NEWS YOU CAN USE: The coronavirus death rate is MUCH Lower than the estimates justifying the lockdowns....

And that won't be reported in the mainstream fake news media.
WELL, NOW WE KNOW: Coronavirus causes veganism.

Reminder: "Never let a crisis go to waste."
KURT SCHLICHTER: America doesn’t have a justice system anymore. I hope he's wrong, but I fear he's right.
THE SEESAW EFFECT: Conventional healthcare (read as 'healthscare') wisdom is wrong.
Popular wisdom is wrong: coverage does not equal care. Having insurance does not guarantee access to care. Being uninsured does not mean that one is unable to get needed care.
Focus on facts, not opinions of blockheads who have no skin in the game.

Reminder: "Never let a crisis go to waste."
WHAT DO YOU DO when there's a demand shortage and consequent oversupply of 'wokesters'?

WUHAN FLU [CORONAVIRUS] UPDATE for May 4, 2020 [Note the scale change]:

The daily death toll has been decreasing now for nearly a full week (longer if it weren't for those annoying daily statistical variances), and the cumulative death toll has finally begun to bend. It's over; time for the HealthScare Professionals to give up or move on to attempting to gin up a fall healthscare.

The death rate peaked at 0.1051% almost a week ago, and is declining steadily. An estimated 79.3% of Americans remain uninfected (I think that's a very high number), but the fact remains -- despite our governing class's best efforts, Americans are slowly developing herd immunity.

Go. Enjoy life for a change.
COMEDY BREAK: Come enjoy some high quality quarantine memes.
AMERICA'S NEWS OF RECORD reports on NYC Mayor deBlasio's use of Karens and 'snitches get stitches'.

Follow Day by Day and scroll thru May 2nd to see how 'snitches get stitches' worked out. .
AND AN ORANGE JUMPSUIT WILL BE FLYNN'S REVENGE. Flynn entrapment was Andrew McCabe's revenge.

Along with a multi-million dollar civil lawsuit to ensure McCabe's impoverishment assuming he ever gets out of prison.
ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, Gov. Northam does know how to shoot off his mouth. His aim is piss-poor, though.

Reminder: "Never let a crisis go to waste." But he tried....
MIKE ADAMS on why I can’t get arrested in Raleigh:
The answer, of course, is simple. RPD officers know who I am (as many of my former criminology students are on their police force). They know I teach a course on the First Amendment. They know I have tangled with Roy Cooper before and that I beat him in a seven-year lawsuit. And they know I would beat him again.
Thugs gotta thug....
JOURNALISM 101 2020: ‘Journalism’ professors demand media censor Trump.
I refer to the 531 individuals who signed a recent letter to the chiefs of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC demanding “that the live, unedited airing of the Daily White House Task Force Briefings stop.”


“Because Donald Trump uses them as a platform for misinformation and disinformation about COVID-19, they have become a serious public health hazard—a matter of life and death for viewers who cannot easily identify his falsehoods, lies, and exaggerations.”

But it’s not only Trump’s daily coronavirus briefings these people demand be censored:

“We ask that no speech, rally, or press conference involving the president be covered live anymore. The risk of passing along bad information and harmful advice is too great.

“News organizations need to attend carefully to what he says and only share information that they can independently verify. By asking themselves ‘is what he said something we should be amplifying?’ news organizations can offset the damage these briefings are producing.”

That is a demand for censorship, pure and simple. Damn the First Amendment. Damn the people’s right to know. Damn transparency and accountability in government.
MSM 'journalists' are so low they could walk upright under a snake's belly.
SO IS ANYONE REALLY SURPRISED? Gov. Newsom puts politics over data in California shutdown.

Reminder: "Never let a crisis go to waste."
YES, YOU CAN NOW GO OUT TO EAT. As long as you register with the government first.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Why don't they just rename themselves the Corrupt Party?

Since 'communist' is already taken....
FROM THE WAYBACK MACHINE: Antibody testing proves we've been had.

This was originally posted on April 23rd and every statement has proven correct.
LABORATORIES of experimental despotism:
It’s obvious why these ... governors refuse to lift their job-killing lockdowns, despite clear indications that their ostensible goal of “flattening the curve” has been achieved. The actual point of the exercise has little or nothing to do with public health. They hope they can delay reopening their states long enough to drive the economy into a depression for which the voters will punish President Trump and the Republicans. They don’t care how many lives they ruin. Nor do they give a damn if their actions are constitutional. They assume the voters are too stupid to see the despotic impulses that lie beneath their affected empathy. For them, it’s about power.
Blue states in particular.

Karen is a mocking slang term for an entitled, obnoxious, middle-aged white woman. Especially as featured in memes, Karen is generally stereotyped as having a blonde bob haircut, asking to speak to retail and restaurant managers to voice complaints or make demands, and being a nagging, often divorced mother from Generation X.

Living up to the stereotype. More here if you're up to it....
THE DIPLOMAD: What say we talk about some other Democrat-fueled disasters not at the top of this news cycle?

America's News of Record publishes the future again....