Wednesday, September 22, 2010

AMERICA’S GREATEST THREAT: gangster government.
FILL IN THE BLANK: President Obama quotes from the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal -- endowed with certain unalienable rights -- life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The Declaration of Independence as written:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
I can quote it from memory, but I was educated at Lockhart (TX) High School and he was educated at Punahou School, Occidental College, Columbia, and Harvard ....
DEMOCRATS AT WAR: Public unions vs. gentry liberals.
GOOD NEWS: Obama's policies drag down Democratic governors.
DOGS ARE DUMB. Recently I decided to “eat healthy” and - knowing I don’t care for wheat bread - switched to multi-grain white bread. It tastes like well-used shoe leather; not even great globs of butter, jam, mayo, or mustard can disguise the taste.

So ... I dried it, crumbled it up, and put it out in the back yard feeder for the deer, squirrels, and birds. They wouldn’t eat it either.

But the neighbor’s dog did.
MAYBE WE NEED more witches in Congress.
”IF SOAKING THE RICH IS A GOOD IDEA, Democrats should go first, beginning with Obama. No president ever made more than the $5.5 million he did in 2009. Surely he can part with an extra million in taxes for that year. Likewise, every limousine liberal from John Kerry on down should kick in extra money.”

Don Surber’s complete column is here.
OBAMA BLAMES FOES FOR ECONOMIC WOES “Obama ... expressed frustration at the emergent Tea Party movement, saying it's not enough to demand spending controls -- his opponents should go further and say what they would cut. ‘I think it's important for you to say, you know, 'I'm willing to cut veterans' benefits,' Obama said.”

Okay, I’m willing to cut all of Obama’s “czars.”
STATISTS SHOULD BE hanged from lampposts. Follow the links and “get ready for a lamppost shortage.”
I’M RICK’S MOM, and I approved this message.
FROM ‘MORNING IN AMERICA’ under Reagan to ‘Mourning in America’ under Obama.