Sunday, April 28, 2019

SPRING LIVES: Episode 6 of the series.

It's been a near-perfect couple of days, so much so that I've been busy with outside chores and neglectful of posting times. Here are today' s pictures. First the standard view pondwards from the deck:

Much greener this week. The bigger trees began budding out last week; now they're displaying actual leaves. The ridgeline across the pond is getting obscured, as is the pond itself by the lower growing vegetation. By next week, I expect the pond itself will be almost completely obscured except for that always visible slice at the base of the stairway.

The fire pit area has gotten much greener, but we still have some sky visible since the big trees still haven't begun to leaf out yet. As the canopy fills in, it will become much darker and 'foresty'.

The house is still relatively clear, but you can see that the canopy is developing in the upper left corner of the picture. Proof is also in the deeper shadow on the ground. We've had a couple of trees taken out (by falling) over the winter, so I'm hopeful that perhaps we can eventually have a somewhat grassy back yard.

Here's a different view from my usual - this time looking back up the stairs toward the house from the base (roughly the dock area). There are 112 steps from the dock to the basement of the house - roughly 70' and 2 'regain-my-wind' stops enroute.

The final picture is my usual from-across-the-pond view. Our house is still visible, but it'll soon disappear as the tall trees down along the pond edge add their leaves. They've been notably slow this year.

As usual, last week's pictures are here.