Saturday, April 06, 2019

WELL, THEY'RE STARK RAVING MAD, SO THE ANSWER IS OBVIOUS: Would the Democrats rather win in 2020, or eat themselves alive?
TUCKER CARLSON apologizes to Joe Biden.

That's what real men do when they err.
WELL, I'LL BET the favorite color isn't red.

Um, well maybe it is.

They are hypocrites, after all.
AMMO GRRRLL: I can't even....
A RED HAT never hurt anybody.

And turnabout is fair play: she got fired herself.
OBAMA: Oh, my God, what have I done?

Chickens, roost....
POWERLINE WRITES on ineffective Democrat subpoenas. Adam Schiff (Intelligence) and Jerrold Nadler (Judiciary) seem to be the prime movers in the House's subpoena effort.

If I were the Republicans, I'd mount a two-pronged counterattack. From the White House, just respond to any question or allegation with silence: "No comment".

From the Senate, I'd have the chairmen of the corresponding Senate committees, Richard Burr (Intelligence) and Lindsey Graham (Judiciary) exactly mimic the House. For example: "You want Trump's tax records? Fine, we want Shumer's and Pelosi's."

After all, I'll bet that's the rug where the real dirt can be found....
'LOW AND DISGRACEFUL'! Democrat strategist (and Hillary supporter) viciously mocks polio survivor Mitch McConnell. Read the whole Twitter string.

I'm roughly McConnell's age, and I too had polio as a child before it was essentially eradicated by the Salk and Sabin vaccines. I have difficulty walking any distances, walking on uneven or soft surfaces, and always use a handrail when climbing or descending stairs. And it gets worse with age.

Parkomenko should be given a swift kick down a steep rocky hill, then asked how he feels when (if) he gets up. That might - might - give him some small inkling of what it's like to be a 70ish polio survivor. What a maroon!

[On reflection, Parkomenko isn't a maroon; maroons are just stupid, not vicious.]

Linked from Instapundit.
NOT ACCORDING TO DEMOCRATS: Is the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional?

'Free stuff' is always constitutional....
THAT'S ALL THEY KNOW HOW TO DO: The Democrats brazenly know they have been demanding forbidden disclosures and unrealistic deadlines.

Lie, cheat, and steal. To paraphrase the 'Mayhem Like Me' guy on television, "It's what we do."