Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Late, and almost forgotten. I think it's safe to say that not much happened today. More deaths -- as expected -- and perhaps a spike, but the daily numbers mean almost nothing due to the wide variatios day-to-day. Trend lines are still showing a downward movement.

For those following, 82.7% of Americans are still estimated to be uninfected. I wish there was an exposure estimate, as I expect it would be nearing 100% by now.
KIM JONG UN DEAD? Train at Kim Jong Un compound raises questions.

Well, alive or dead, the zombie image is appropriate....
JUST SO YOU KNOW. On the sub-intelligence scale, morons are the high-water mark. On the standard scale, those whose IQ's range within 51 and 70 are considered morons; between 26 and 50, imbeciles; below 25, idiots.

By that standard, Liberals are morons; Progressives are idiots. Imbeciles are Liberals studying to become Progressives.

I'm reminded of this quote by Bertrand Russell:
Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.
I'm reminded of that every time I turn on the television (rarely, now) and see our governing class and its alcolytes in the media mob.
SCIENCE SAYS: It's time to start easing the lockdowns.

'Science' says: NO! No! No...no...noooooo.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Then the virus hit.
SARAH HOYT: A plague of 'credentialed' experts.
Just like a virus takes over a healthy cell, eviscerates it, and turns into a factory to create more viruses, so the plague of experts has taken over all our systems of science, education and even the arts, and turned them into factories to turn out more phony “experts.”

We have a disease, and unless we let in sunlight to illuminate the problem, Western civilization will die of it.
She's right. She's also correct....

Added thought: And if you're credentialed, you're probably an 'ex' 'spurt'.
IS 'ALL OF THEM' AN OPTION? Who would be your first pick if Americans could vote reporters off the White House briefing island?
MY NEIGHBORS HUNT: a message from Gaia.

Just so you know, if worst comes to worst, they will survive. You won't.
SO VIRTUE SIGNALING HAS ITS LIMITS: California temporarily lifts ban on plastic bags.
AN IMBECILE WORKING HARD TO BECOME AN IDIOT: Journalist asks about 'military coup' against Trump.