Sunday, August 30, 2015

THIS IS WHAT GOVERNMENT TRANSIT LOOKS LIKE. Metro: Track Defect Deleted From Inspection Report.
A technician “erroneously” deleted information....
The second part of Instapundit's lede "but government healthcare will be awesome!" reminds me that we already know how 'awesome' government healthcare will be.

Now we know what the meaning of 'is' is, to recall to another famous Clintonion fudge: 'erroneously deleted' is PC-speak for 'covered up'. For those of us old enough to remember Richard Nixon (he was impeached), then administration spokesman Ron Ziegler was once quoted as saying "This is the operative statement. The others are inoperative." Meaning, of course, that the previous statements were lies.

When it comes to government pronouncements, caveat emptor. Don't trust, verify.
ON THE VERGE of being overlawyered? Surely you jest.
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD declares war on franchises. It's nothing more than a ploy to force unions on franchise owners.

Remember the $15 minimum wage? Unions demanded it, Los Angeles adopted it, and now unions are before the city council asking to be exempt from the minimum wage requirement. If permitted, then they can go to companies and say essentially 'if you permit your company to be unionized, then you won't have to pay the minimum wage'. Same ploy here.
There’s always a chance a federal court ... [will see through the NLRB ruling}, ... but in the meantime, if you were thinking about opening a franchise operation, wouldn’t a ruling like this give you second thoughts? The uncertainty generated by this ruling will almost certainly have a negative impact on the franchise industry, thus placing another drag on an already sluggish economy.
But with the Obama administration, dragging the economy to a halt is the point.

More here.
HURRICANE KATRINA: What the media missed. News reports are 'the first draft of history', and as such, are almost always wrong. Here's a much more sober assessment.

Linked from this post at Instapundit.
RASMUSSEN: Nearly 3 in 4 Americans think political correctness is a problem. Which is why Donald Trump is so wildly popular, and why more Republican candidates should follow his lead.

I would note that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie did exactly that earlier today on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace.
THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN: A-10 vs F-35 in a cannon fire test. Watch the video, then read the comments: opinions are pretty strong on both sides.
HILLARY: Republicans want to round up illegals and put them in boxcars.

Wait a minute. Isn't that how Democrats got them here in the first place?
PEGGY NOONAN on Trumpmania. You can read the full article by entering "America is So in Play" in your search engine.

NO. NEXT QUESTION? Was there a better way to stop Anwar al-Awlaki than by assassinating killing him?
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DSP EARLY WARNING SATELLITES? U.S. Air Force eyes (nuclear) blast detection satellite.
INTERESTING: Cancer patient to participate in NASA study in zero-gravity environment.
WHATEVER HAPPENED to telling damn fools to mind their own business?
MAKE OF IT WHAT YOU WILL: Assessing Carly Fiorina's time as HP chief.

She should clearly be in the next debate. But will she? I suggest that if not, CNN will have hell to pay.

The original is here.
PUNCH: North Dakota legalizes police to fire ‘less than lethal’ weapons from drones.

COUNTERPUNCH: Boeing has developed a laser cannon specifically designed to turn drone aircraft into flaming wreckage.