Friday, November 11, 2011

HERE'S A SUGGESTION that would shut down the OWS protests, remove a bunch of idiots (both student and 'professor') from university campuses, save the government money, and encourage education in the more productive sciences: simply make it a rule that any university student arrested for protesting shall forever be barred from receiving any government-sponsored student loan.
OCCUPY WALL STREET police blotter.
SARAH PALIN on Veterans Day.
PAUL GREENBERG: The Emergence of Mitt Romney.
RACHEL ALEXANDER: A Fifty Percent Welfare Nation. And it's getting worse.
OCCUPY DENVER shows up at BlogCon; get taste of their own medicine. Follow the links for more.

UPDATE: more here.
2012: IT'S GOING to be a nasty, mean campaign.
YOU GOTTA GO where the big money is -- government.
A MILITARY TRIBUTE: Here's to the heroes.

THAT'S HARVARD FOR YOU: We are the 99% -- of the 1%.
FOR VETERANS DAY: the Old Guard at Arlington National Cemetary.
OWNERSHIP: the bar'Occupy Movement. It takes a moment.
RUTH McCLUNG: Thank you Veterans! America would not be America without you!

From a soon-to-be Congresswoman.
DISRESPECTFUL: California mayor thumbs nose at veterans.
HAVE SOME RESPECT. This is not a request; it is an order!
OCCUPY OAKLAND deposits money in same bank they trashed. Bail money is more important than principle.
BEN SHAPIRO: What Is Obama Thinking? My take is that deep down where it really counts, he's shallow.
STEVE MILLOY: It's time for EPA chief Lisa P. Jackson to go. No, it's time for the EPA to go.
RICK PERRY: When I am President ....
IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN: Man shot to death near Occupy Oakland camp.
CAN AMERICA SURVIVE without its backbone, the middle class?
OCCUPY WALL STREET ENVY: "Occupy Wall Streeters need to be reminded that organized envy has no place here in our land."
OBAMA VOTES 'PRESENT' AGAIN: Delay Could Push Pipeline Past 2012.

More here.
SAD BUT TRUE: Why Can't the Republicans Nominate a Genuine Right-Wing Nut? "[T]he ideal candidate for conservatives isn’t some extreme right-winger. It’s a skilled politician we know we can bully."

The original video is here.