Monday, November 26, 2012

IS YOUR STATE in a death spiral?

CONGRESS? We don't need no stinkin' Congress. The New Republic suggests ways Obama can go around Congress to implement his 'progressive' agenda.

And we worry Egypt's President Mohammed Morsi is trying to become a dictator?
IF PROGRESSIVES ATE TWINKIES, there would be a government bailout.
HEH. John Boehner: to curtail spending, let's put ObamaCare on the table.
ROOFTOP SOLAR STOOD UP TO HURRICANE SANDY: Big solar installers report almost no damage, even in hardest hit areas.

This is what a real Republican sounds like. For more Whittle, go here.
WASHINGTON EXAMINER: You can balance the budget without raising taxes.

But not with progressives in charge. Here's an example from another post:
If I need my car fixed, the mechanic takes a look and then tells my insurer how much it will cost to repair it. If I need a broken hip fixed, though, the hospital doesn’t tell my insurer how much it will cost. Instead, various parties to the transaction—the internist, the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, the hospital itself—set their own independent meters running. The result is a much higher bill. It’s widely agreed that a preferable solution is to “bundle” payment—that is, pay the hospital one prearranged fixed amount for the whole procedure.
Notice the fundamental assumption of the progressive mind? It doesn't matter whether your car breaks down or your body breaks down, somebody else will pay for it.
URGENTLY NEEDED: a dumber, tougher power grid. Smart isn't always the answer.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: give Obama everything he wants -- in spades.