Wednesday, December 19, 2012

BOEHNER SAYS House will pass 'Plan B' to avert tax hikes.
Tomorrow, the House will pass legislation to make permanent tax relief for nearly every American. Then the president will have a decision to make. He can call on the Senate Democrats to pass that bill or he can be responsible for the largest tax increase in American history.
I'm not thrilled with 'Plan B' because it does not address the problems important to me -- ObamaCare, Medicare & Medicaid, and Social Security -- but it's a positive start. Let the Democrats block/veto it and make them own the ensuing crisis.
IDAHO HAS SPOKEN: With the world the way it is today, everyone is seeing images in their food - from Jesus on a piece of toast to George Washington on a chicken nugget. Now finally someone has found the image of Obama on a potato.....

From my email.
OBAMA REELECTED: Women, minorities, ‘progressive’ talk radio hardest hit. Heh.
MATTHEW BOWMAN: How ObamaCare Stole Christmas. Some thoughts on the intersection of religious and government authority.

The Obama administration seems to be trying to co-opt at least the first of the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt have no other gods before me (other "gods" can include possessions, power or prominence). Their attitude seems to be render unto Caesar first; whatever's left can go to God (or charity, or...).

UPDATE: Hmm. Religious liberty seems to be winning.
DON'T THINK FOR YOURSELF. Let the Democrats not think for you.
INSTAPUNDIT: "The press is always happy to blame the NRA. Doing so unfairly just makes it more satisfying."
A CHALLENGE for advocates of stricter gun control laws: Put a “This is a gun-free zone” sign on your lawn or in a window of your home.
COMMITTING JOURNALISM is not a wrongful act. But committing biased journalism is.
"FRENCH CITIZENSHIP IS AN HONOUR." Apparently it's one he can do without.
One of the great, though inadvertent gifts of the Obama administration has been to remind us that the Rhodes Scholarship, the Harvard Law degree, the Stanford PhD, the Princeton BA mean, well, nothing much at all, if not perhaps a suspicion that a lot of intellectual branding and grandstanding came at the expense of two years on a tuna boat, or a year picking apples, or four summers at Starbucks, of anything to remind the young genius that he was not so smart after all, and that character is not created by getting an award or being stamped by an unworldly elite institution.
Read it all.
I KNEW I liked Southwest Airlines.
OBAMA ASKS CABINET MEMBERS for proposals to curb gun violence.

Let's see, now: there was Columbine (2009); then Tucson (2011); then
Aurora (2012); and now Sandy Hook (2012). The common thread is that in all four, the shooters were all young, white, male, and nuts!

So the solution is obviously (dripping sarcasm) gun control.

It's not about gun control. It's not even about guns. It's about control.
"THE SOLUTION TO THE GUN DEBATE would be for Congress and the White House to set an example for the country and declare the White House and all government buildings and workers to be 'gun free zones' to show us how confident they are in 'gun free zones'. If guns are the problem, they will be safer without guns, right?"

If the solution fits, wear it.
BRAVO, Gov. Perry!

Best comment: "The same liberals that swear it would be impossible to locate and deport 15 million illegal aliens believe it is possible to locate and confiscate 300 million guns."
ANGER ISSUES: "No wonder these people don’t want other Americans to be armed — they probably assume everyone has as many violent inclinations as they do."

UPDATE: Erik Loomis, professional hater.
BERKELEY (CA) to consider banning drones (aircraft, not humans). They don't want their privacy interrupted while defecating in the streets.
THE END OF UNIONS? Private sector unions, probably. Public sector unions? I doubt it; they don't have to compete....

NORTH KOREAN SATELLITE is most likely dead. No loss.
WE HAVE FEWER SHOOTINGS, but more shootings by crazed shooters. So the obvious solution is gun control. Makes perfect (liberal) sense, since they are among the crazed.