Saturday, December 13, 2014

MORE ON RACISM: Why does the government hate Indians Native Americans?
VODKAPUNDIT: Racism is still a Lefty pastime.
PERHAPS AFTER HE'S FULLY (FINALLY?) RETIRED, Obama can become an ESPN sports commentator....
JUAN WILLIAMS: White liberal hypocrisy revealed in all its glory. Williams is an honest liberal, which is probably why he was fired from NPR.
SLATE: There’s no way Bush and Cheney didn’t know about the CIA'S EIT program.

Since both former President Bush and former Vice President Cheney have both stated that they knew and approved of the 'enhanced interrogation techniques' from the outset, this article appears to be Slate's attempt to assure that moron remains firmly established within the bounds of the word 'oxymoron'.
ENHANCED TECHNIQUES WORK: The truth about interrogation.

Jason Beale's report is here.
POWERLINE'S WEEK IN PICTURES is up this morning. Given Sen. Diane Feinstein's "Torture Report", this has to be the picture of the week:

There are many more; all are good, most are funny. Go view them.