Monday, April 08, 2019

POWERLINE'S Trump hypothesis:
Trump adopts the persona of a vain and boastful man who overestimates his own abilities, because it is the surest way to cause his opponents to underestimate him.
PowerLine's right - just don't tell the Democrats.
TUCKER CARLSON: Someday the AOC moment will pass and Democrats will rejoin adult conversations about immigration.
[L]ike a lot of narcissistic children, Ocasio-Cortez does not believe in honest disagreement. Everything is a moral question. If you agree with her, you are virtuous. If you don't, you are a monster. There can be no compromise. Policy debates are pointless. There are only the battles between good and evil.

If you are on the side of good, which is Ocasio-Cortez's side, of course, you have endless leeway. You don't have to know what you are talking about. You can wade half-cocked into the country's most important debates, prove yourself an idiot and as she just put it, move on. No problem.

But if you are on the side of evil -- the other side -- watch out. There is no mercy for you. There is no forgiveness. Nothing about you is good. None of your motives are pure. You exist only to hurt and destroy. You are like a demon in a horror film.
I think it's a bit much to believe that the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezes will ever grow up. More likely the adults will have to put them in their rooms and lock their doors behind them.
INSTANT KARMA: Rhino poacher stomped by elephant and eaten by lions in South African park.

Link via Instapundit.
I'M REMINDED OF THE OLD OUTER LIMITS INTRO: "We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical...." California should beware, because we will control the electricity.
NO STATE imports more electricity than California. That's one way to put it, I suppose, but it's equally true - and more accurate - to write that California exports more pollution than any other state.
PROGRESSIVES UNDERSTAND they cannot win the game if forced to play by the rules.

So let's force the rules on them. Remember, for them it's about control; it's always about control.