Wednesday, December 04, 2019

DEMOCRATS' IMPEACHMENT WITNESS takes a cheap shot at Trump's son Barron.

Stanford Law professor Pamela Karlan is a perfect example of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
FOX NEWS PERSONALITIES continue to stump for GOP candidates.

And the Washington Post, New York Times, NBC News, MSNBC, NPR and the Associated Press don't regularly and aggressively attack President Trump in their editorials and editorial pages?
DEVIN NUNES: Adam Schiff's other impeachment target.

Obvious conclusion: "This is nothing but a slimeball who's worried about Devin Nunes exposing him."
STRATEGY PAGE: Trump's canny diplomatic and psychological feints on the international stage.

Read it and remember.
KAMALA HARRIS exits stage left. Hiliarously.

Read it all.
SEEMS REASONABLE TO ME: Gynaecologist refuses to treat biological male.

Instapundit responds: Harshly.
POWERLINE: Divest from everything! "It is commonplace now for the wokerati on campuses to demand that colleges and universities divest their endowments of any holdings in fossil fuel energy companies, but now they are also demanding that colleges divest from any companies that do business with Israel."

I'd be more sympathetic if the 'wokerati' students divest themselves from student loans granted them by a capitalist, imperialist government and the 'wokerati' faculty divest themselves of all research grants by that same capitalist, imperialist government.
PROOF THE DEMOCRAT CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT ARE WEAK: Trump's strongest competition is a cartoon character.

It's a pity that Diamond has passed. She would have been a 'purrfect' candidate - except that she was a staunch Republican.

Perhaps I could convince Martha Washington to run as a Democrat as Diamond did in 2011.
MAKE BLACK AMERICANS REPUBLICAN AGAIN: Rush Limbaugh producer 'Bo Snerdley' founds new PAC for black conservatives.

ALSO BREAKING: Racist Rush Limbaugh employs a black producer.

THE DEPLORABLES ARE GETTING ANGRY: Logs dumped in front of Oakland businesses to deter overnight car camping.

They've been there about a year and yet the city has made no attempt to remove them. The businesses in the region appear to be quite happy; no complaints have been filed.

THE POTEMKIN VILLAGE EXPOSED: "What American constitutional government most urgently needs at present is for ... the presidency, the Congress, and the courts to wrest back control of national security policy from an unelected and increasingly rogue national security establishment."

We've seen the need already in the impeachment hearings - especially with LCOL Vindman. The Bureaucratic State is convinced that it sets policy and our elected offficials do not.

That must be corrected, and President Trump is the one to start the process moving.
LIKE ADAM SCHIFF, HE'S A SHAMELESS LIAR: Swalwell walks back call for impeachment.
ONLY ONE? Adam Schiff has crossed the line.

By.Any.Means.Necessary. Republicans need to take a page from the Democrats' playbook and start using the back edge of that double-edged sword. More here.
SO WHEN IS Elizabeth Warren's birthday? And Bernie Sanders? And Joe Biden? And ....
NO TOMFOOLERY! Retired Orrin G. Hatch’s thread about his upcoming bus tour hilariously mocks Joe ‘Malarkey’ Biden.