Tuesday, October 26, 2010

FROM BULLY PULPIT to bully pulpit.
WORLD'S SMALLEST POLITICAL QUIZ: So you think you know where you stand politically? The results from this short test might surprise you. You'll be asked just 10 questions and instantly told where you stand politically - libertarian, statist, liberal, conservative, or centrist - and shown your position on a "political map" so you'll see exactly where you stand.

For only 10 questions, it's surprisingly accurate - if you don't attempt to second-guess the questions.
ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES: The faux-Greek columns of 2008 have turned into pillars of sand ... and his congressional majorities are on the verge of melting away — just two years after grand talk of a 50-year liberal regnum.
HEH. IF EVs [ARE] TO TAKE OFF, they would create a problematic loop for themselves: The more electric cars, the less demand for oil, and the lower the price of gas -- making EVs even less competitive.
FED-UP VOTERS may put GOP in power, ready or not.
Why? Because Democrats have been screwing up faster than Republicans can recover [their fundamental principles]. The GOP might not be fully ready to govern, but voters are increasingly convinced that Democrats don't deserve to. The Democrats' willful defiance of the public's wishes on Obamacare, on federal spending, and on other government-expanding initiatives has changed voters' priorities. In the urgency of the moment, throwing Democrats out is more important than determining whether Republicans are fully ready to take control.
Which is why the Tea Party must remain vigilant after November second.
THE APPROPRIATORS PARTY warns those upstart Republicans. And the Tea Party will return fire on November 2.
OF ALL THE INSTITUTIONAL CORRUPTION CASES in the news in the recent past, how many have not involved either non-profits or heavily-regulated institutions?
HOUSING FORCLOSURES - worse than the Democrats thought.