Wednesday, November 03, 2021

LET'S GO BRANDON: the latest progressive virtue signal.
Never content to let a jab at Biden remain just that, the Left has imbued this cheeky expression with all manner of sinister mysticism, just as they did for “learn to code” and the “OK” hand gesture before that.

The perception by the Left that there is an Alt-Right boogeyman behind every meme, and a KKK sympathizer hiding under every red “MAGA” hat, is approaching a clinical psychosis that induces bizarre behavior from the Left.
As I just heard Sen. John Kennedy [R-LA] say, "The Democrats never make the same mistake twice, they make it over and over."
RANDOM THOUGHT: If you're really interested in curbing carbon emissions, take the global elite's airplanes away from them.

We (meaning real America) are 3 for 3 in Virginia elections; we came damned close in New Jersey, the Atlanta Braves won the World Series, and the 'tomahawk chop' is back.

What more can we ask for in a single day?

UPDATE: It can get better. Virginia Republicans recapture House of Delegates.
I LAUGH: Sen. Joni Ernst [R-IA] introduces the Fauci Act.
SPEAKING OF METHANE, the combustion of which produces a Biden: noxious gas (carbon dioxide), global warming (heat), and the ocean rising (water).
PROGRESSIVES CRY RACISM, rip McAuliffe after disastrous loss in Virginia governor election.

Well, they're right about racism, just wrong about who are the racists. If they want to see racists, they should look in the mirror....
ANOTHER RANDOM THOUGHT: I had the misfortune of tuning in (briefly, very briefly) to the ongoing Federal Reserve briefing a few minutes ago. The BS level is very high, and the gist appeared to be "We don't know what the hell we're doing, but we're doing it very, very well."
I'M A 20-YEAR TRUCK DRIVER and I'll tell you why America's shipping crisis won't end anytime soon.

Working as a defense contractor I've had some small logistics experience and I'm afraid he's right.

Read it all.
POST-ELECTION IN VIRGINIA: "I'm sorry, Mr. McAuliffe, but your race card has been declined."

Go read it all.
AN UPDATE on the Southwest Airlines "Let's go Br..." story.

It wouldn't surprise me....
BUT OTHER THAN THAT ... why Virginia hung up on the Democrats.
LOOKING AT THE New Jersey governor race results on Fox News, I note that all but two of the counties for Ciattarelli are showing 100% precincts reporting; of the Murphy counties, only two are showing 100% reporting.

The New Jersey election is well within the margin of fraud, and it appears that the counties showing for Murphy are still waiting for their ballot shipments from China.
HOW YOUR TAX MONEY IS WASTED: Nine examples that show why Democrats’ revised spending bill is still awful.

And this is the 'pared down' (to $1.75 trillion) version?
THE REASON the Democrats lost in Virginia is that the fake ballots they had printed in China were stuck on a container ship anchored off Long Beach.