Thursday, September 12, 2013

TAG TEAM MATCH: Putin-Assad versus Obama-Kerry. If I had money to place a wager, it wouldn't be on the Obama team.
NOW THAT THEIR VOTES HAVE BEEN CAST, unions find out they're just 'little people' too.
PIERS MORGAN: "I'd like to suggest a new amendment to the U.S. Constitution that enshrines the right NOT to be shot/killed by a gun." It exists already. The Second Amendment enforces my individual right 'NOT to be shot/killed by a gun'.

Piers Morgan is embarrassingly stupid.
NO WONDER I PUT ON WEIGHT: New measure of gravitational constant higher than expected.
MORNING EXAMINER: The House Republican plan to delay Obamacare.
HACKTIVIA: the week in cybercrime.
Must sell washer and dryer.

Worn once by mistake.
Call Stephanie.

Complete set of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 45 volumes.
Excellent condition. No longer needed, got married, wife knows everything.
From my email.
YOU ASKED FOR IT; you got it, so put on your big-boy pants and suck it up: AFL-CIO resolution criticizes Obamacare, seeks major changes.
COMMENTARY MAGAZINE: The gun control moment passes.
HARRY REID: The anarchists have taken over Congress! "Does Reid ever ask himself why people who don’t believe in government would bother to get themselves elected to Congress and show up to meetings on time? If they’re anarchists they’re really bad at it."
IF YOU LIKE UGLY, this is the car for you.
WHEN YOU'VE LOST CHRIS MATTHEWS, what's left to lose?
PITY: We won't have Anthony Weiner to kick around any more.
JONAH GOLDBERG: Social liberalism is the foremost impulse for zealous regulation in America.
WHAT THE GOVERNMENT GIVETH, the government can taketh away: Consumers could be surprised at tax time due to ObamaCare law.