Wednesday, February 26, 2020

WHERE WAS HILLARY AT THE TIME? DHS whistleblower Philip Haney found dead with a gunshot wound to the chest.

Never mind. Just another suicide. Move along, now.

[BUMPED] More here. And Epstein didn't kill himself.
'My Healthcare Is None Of Your Business,' Says Woman Who Demands That You Pay For Her Healthcare

Biblical Age Of Accountability Raised To 30 For Millennials

Nation's Bernie Supporters Frantically Cobble Together Makeshift Rafts To Paddle To Utopian Cuba

Proud Millennial Stands By As His Dad Completes Home Improvement Project For Him

Joe Biden Claims He Is Only Human Left On Earth Not Killed By Gun Violence

Bernie Vows To Rebuild Berlin Wall
The Babylon Bee: News before it's time....
THE IDIOCRACY HYPOTHESIS: Can humans survive amid an overabundance of creature comforts?

I think that question can be answered by simply looking at the current Democrat party.
A SMALL PIECE OF GOOD NEWS: Marine is awarded the Navy and Marine Corps medal for saving a pregnant woman in high seas.
CORONAVIRUS FOR ALL: Democrats' plans would make us all sick.

But, but ... it will be free!
FEDERAL APPEALS COURT: Trump administration can withhold funds from uncooperative cities and states.

Finally common sense prevails....
THE GREAT GOOGLE REVOLT: the activists are getting a little too active.

It's one thing to build a useful tool; it's another to tell me how I must use it. And another entirely for an employee to tell the company he/she/it works for what projects it is allowed to undertake.

If I were Google, I'd insist on a signed, undated resignation from every new employee and that they be told that if they wanted to be a social justice moron warrior they would have to do it in their own name, on their on time, on their own dime, and completely off campus; otherwise their resignation would be accepted without further notice.
THE CIRCULAR FIRING SQUAD is inflicting casualities outside the circle.
Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell of Michigan called the fiery debate in South Carolina overnight a "disgrace" and chided the Democratic candidates for trying to destroy each other rather than debate the issues.
Cue the popcorn....

... it's the whole Democrat party.

From my email.
GOVERNING TAKES A TEAM. It’s up to us to create one that suits us.
Since we are unlikely to prevail on the president to prepare an alternative to a ruling class that is ready to meld with the Sandersistas, it behooves conservatives to put together our own plans and lists of people to implement them.
I think over the last three years, President Trump has learned that the Deep State is not his friend and is prepared to bust heads as needed to get his policies implemented post haste.
PJ MEDIA'S MORNING BRIEFING: Joe Biden's campaign needs to be put out of our misery.

Well, it probably would be best for Biden, but on the other hand America needs a good laugh.

From my email.
TED CRUZ ON SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SONIA SOTOMAYOR: 'She's like an arsonist who complains about fire truck noise'.

"Wise Latina" my ass....
HIGHER EDUCATION KINDERGARTEN bubble update. The faculty and staff behind this proposal should have their tenure (if any) revoked, be fired, and never allowed to set foot on a university campus again.

Or any educational facility for that matter....
TRUTH IS NOT A LEFT-WING VALUE: Why the Left calls good people racist.
DEMOCRATS publish list of 7 progressive virtues. They got the 7 deadly sins right, too.