Tuesday, January 14, 2020

WHAT WE’LL MISS WE MISSED by not having Tulsi Gabbard on the debate stage tonight.
ELIZABETH WARREN forgot that 'climate change' today, which was 'global warming' in the 90's, was 'global cooling' in the 1970s. By the 2030's we'll have gone full circle. Of idiocy.
ON ELIZABETH WARREN'S WEALTH TAX: My wealth, such as it is, isn't in a Scrooge McDuck vault, it's invested in the economy; i.e. people and things. Taxing it is akin to firing people and producing fewer things for people to buy. (I guess she thinks that's a fair trade - fewer working people need fewer things....
RANDOM THOUGHT: According to Bernie, if you disagree with Medicare for All you must be greedy and corrupt. In fact if you disagree with Bernie on anything you must be greedy and corrupt.

If I had a dollar for every time he said 'greedy and corrupt' I'd be a multimillionaire.
VODKAPUNDIT is drunkblogging the Democrats' debate.
RANDOM THOUGHT: The Democrat presidential candidate will be someone randomly chosen from the Milwaukee phone book.

And yes, I am watching the Dimocrat Democrat debate.

[Added] And yes, I do have better things to do....
WE DEMOCRATS MUST ELECT NEW VOTERS. It's their fault our debate stage is 'too white'.

Now do you understand why the Democrats favor unlimited immigration?

I remain unconvinced that their new voters will remain loyal to their preferred candidates....
I'LL BET THE BAN DOESN'T INCLUDE THE LAWMAKERS OR THEIR SECURITY GUARDS: Virginia lawmakers have voted to ban guns from the State Capitol building.
SO WHAT'S NEW? Twitter is a progressive bubble.

This is only marginally interesting to me inasmuch as it's long been known in the business world that committees almost always move to the extremes in the process of reaching a consensus. I remember reading about the phenomena as much as 30-40 years ago.

Maybe someday I'll spend a little time digging around through my records to see if I can find the original papers....

California weighs creating public brand of generic prescription drugs.
THANK GOODNESS: the next Democratic debate (9-11 pm tonight on CNN) will not require viewers to use a color television.

And be sure to stock up on popcorn; the best reality show of 2020 is coming in November.
HOPEFULLY, VERY FRAGILE: How fragile is Iran's regime?

2020 may be the year it breaks.

UPDATE: Is it breaking?
AS LONG AS YOU CONTINUE TO TREAT THEM AS VICTIMS THE 'HOMELESS' PROBLEM WILL NEVER BE SOLVED: California's homeless crisis could be is migrating to Austin.
IMPEACHMENT STRATEGY? Speaker Pelosi's Democrats threaten democracy in the name of protecting it.
OH? Not a 'whiff of scandal' during the Obama administration?
NOW WE KNOW who Greta Thunberg's puppetmasters are.

Linked from Instapundit here.
#DEMAND VOTER ID: I'd suggest that replacing 'Russia' with 'Democrat' would be more appropriate.
RAND SIMBERG: Space is too important to be left to government monopolies.

Agreed, but with a caution: I think there is a place for a government 'monopoly' in the development of initial infrastructure/technology/skills, but once those tasks are complete it's time to back away and let economic forces prevail.
CHICKEN V. EGG: Is Pajama Boy a vegan?