Wednesday, September 28, 2022

AND NOW GET READY FOR ... feline Marxism.

Two comments: (1) click on the 'overproduction of (useless) elites' link to see the state of America today and (2) read the comments; they're hilarious (especially this one).
THESE PEOPLE ARE TRULY CRAZY. Diesel-powered trucks are now racist.

Or brain dead. Or both, if that's possible.
THE LEFT is a death cult.

On the bright side, when they die out there will be more for the rest of us.
THE DAILY CHART: Open borders.
GET WOKE, lose wars.

I found Glenn Reynolds' update amusing, since people who fly F-15's for a living don't typically come from Manhattan -- or Marthas Vineyard, or San Francisco, or Portland, or Chicago.
A POLITICAL MYSTERY: Why do Democrats insist on little children being indoctrinated in transgender ideology?

No answers are provided, so read the comments for the thoughts of the readers.
AMERICAN GREATNESS: The numbers, please.
What percentage of the country is black? The average answer was 41 percent. The actual number is 12 percent. Of course, if you watch television commercials, you would think it’s closer to 90 percent.

What percentage of marriages are mixed race? Average answer: 50 percent. The actual number is 1 percent. If you watch television commercials, you would think it is more like 99 percent.

What percentage is “Latinx”? Average answer: 39 percent. The actual number is 16 percent. Also, most Latinos hate the term “Latinx.”

How many families make over $500,000 a year? Average answer: 26 percent. The actual number is just one percent. We somehow think a quarter of the country is rich.

What percentage of Americans are vegetarians? Average answer: 30 percent. The actual number is a paltry five percent.

What percent of Americans live in New York City? Average answer: an astounding 30 percent. The actual number is just three percent.

What percentage of Americans are transgender? The answer given was 22 percent. The actual number is not even one percent.

What percentage of your fellow citizens are gay? The answer give was 30 percent. The actual number is just three percent.
So, why do people have such bogus and inaccurate estimates? Read the rest of the article.
BEXAR COUNTY (SAN ANTONIO TX) SHERIFF is looking into whether the illegal aliens who were flown [from Florida by Gov. Ron DeSantis] to Martha’s Vineyard were “lured” under false pretenses.
The absurdity of the move can’t be understated. I’m not sure there are even any local laws that would cover “luring” people who ultimately signed a release and voluntarily got on an airplane.
DeSantis responded.
ABOUT TIME SOMEONE ELSE NOTICED. Self-checkout systems were developed to lower labor costs by offloading work from employees to customers.

I guess it takes time for the obvious to sink in to the cluelessness of the customers.

What does surprise me (a little) is that the comments about self-checkout systems are mostly favorable. I use self-checkout, but only for a few items and only if there's nothing that requires weighing or looking up. I much prefer a manned (personed?) line for the human interaction with the checker and others waiting in line.

The reactions I see indicate that there are more than a few people who prefer talking to other people rather than robots.
JUST NOT THOSE EDUCATORS: Bay area teachers say California does not value educators.

It doesn't pay? That's utter nonsense; for the four years we endured southern California my wife was quite highly paid as an elementary school teacher.

But she was an educator, not a groomer....
RANDOM THOUGHT: Fools weathermen rush in where angels fear to tread.

After seeing some Weather Channel talking head idiot standing in the middle of the road in 80 mph winds telling me how unsafe it would to be to even think about venturing outside, I would not be deeply saddened to see him blown down the road and into the sea.