Tuesday, September 10, 2019

BUTTIGIEG: Life begins when a person registers as a Democrat. And you are guaranteed eternal life in the ballot box....

Yes, it's the Babylon Bee.
AMERICAN GREATNESS: Lies the Left tells about guns, gun control, and gun violence.

In short, whatever the Left says is probably a lie....
A THREE-RING CIRCUS WITH NOTHING BUT CLOWNS: Here's what the Democrats' impeachment inquiry will look like.
PRICKLY CITY explains the mainstream media.
Watching the Democratic presidential candidates on CNN’s seven-hour town hall on climate change was like attending the shot-put competition at a track meet. It wasn’t even a debate because the candidates agreed on most major points. Any sense of competition came in seeing which would offer the most grandiose plans. One after another, each candidate strained to hurl the biggest, most expensive wad of policy proposals as far as humanly possible.
Now go read it all.
IMPRIMIS: Rediscovering the America in American history.

Read the whole thing and compare it to the Democrat/media (I know, I know; I repeat myself) version. Which one rings truer?
THE SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS came for my head; I'm still thriving.

EFF U is a more than adequate response. Or, if you desire to be somewhat more polite, "You've mistaken me for someone who cares what you think" will work. It has the additional advantage of being tailored to more blunt terms should you so choose.
THE DIPLOMAD: The lost minds of the West.
IN ONE-ON-ONE with an environmental activist, Biden strongly defends fundraiser with fossil-fuel company founder.

Even as a gaffe machine, Biden is looking better and better as the Democrat alternative....

Remember cash for clunkers? If Andrew Yang gets elected, I'll be at north Georgia junkyards buying every clunker I could find.
THE HIGH ROAD NOT TAKEN: The Obamas are in the middle of a trademark dispute.

With the Left, the high road is only for show.