Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'D RATHER HE WAS JUST OUT: Obama Could Be the Odd Man out on Tax Reform.
THOMAS SOWELL: World Class Brass.
ANN COULTER: Libya Commemorates 9/11.
HOW THE MEDIA turned Obama's foreign policy bungle into a Romney gaffe. They're mad because Romney dared to speak up and speak first.
DEPENDING ON DEPENDENCY: "Although the big word on the left is "compassion," the big agenda on the left is dependency. The more people who are dependent on government handouts, the more votes the left can depend on for an ever-expanding welfare state."

Well, my wife and I have been paying (at least) our share, so the rest of you laggards out there, get cracking....
DOES ANYONE want to bet that she'll even get her hand slapped?
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: We are in scary times.
FRANK J. FLEMING: Don't Rely on Politicians.
SAVE ON EXTENSION CORDS: GM’s vaunted Volt is on the road to nowhere.
HOW ACADEMIC AIRHEADS ushered in the Obamacrats. You may have to register; it's free.
I'M BAAACK! "It's Bush's fault."

UPDATE & BUMP: Confirmation.
'EXPERT' PANEL finds U.S. missile Defense Strategy is flawed. Not flawed, confused.
JEFF JACOBY: The higher-ed bubble is bound to burst.
OUCH! The mainstream media "defend[s] Obama like crazed Muslims defend the Koran." Follow all the links.

SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON 9-11: Perhaps we’re the ones we’ve been waiting for.

The chart contains President Obama's approval rating for his entire term in office.

For most of 2012, his approval has been below 50% and, worse, his approval rating has been tepid where his disapproval rating has typically been strong.

If the 'persuadables' -- those whow neither strongly approve nor disapprove -- break strongly against Obama, the election will be a landslide for Romney. If Obama is to win, they will have to break nearly 3 to 1 for Obama.
FAKE FREEDOMS: "If the right to [bear] arms does not entail a right to gun subsidies, why would a right to abortion entail a right to abortion subsidies?"
RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane. Progressives view America as a Plantation or a Zoo -- or perhaps both. In either case, Americans are incapable of leading happy, productive lives without their enlightenment and superior knowledge to guide them to the land of rainbows and unicorns.