Saturday, July 13, 2019

QUESTION: If your (Democrat-run) city has a blackout, does that count towards the next Earth Hour?
HEH: New Yorkers appreciated Bill de Blasio’s real-time updates from Iowa on the massive power outage in Manhattan.
GOOD RIDDANCE: Armed man shot and killed after throwing incendiary devices at ICE detention center.
KURT SCHLICHTER: The liberal war on you.
Our would-be masters see the stakes – their power, prestige and position – and that’s why there is nothing they won’t do, no alleged principle they won’t upend, no bogus value they won’t abandon, to put off the reckoning that their greed and incompetence have brought upon them.
Be prepared.
SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA) ON ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ: "Someone needs to tell her the voices in her head aren’t real."

Linked from Instapundit.
"THEY ADD NO VALUE and their positions should largely completely be eliminated."
OBAMA’S DHS CHIEF JEH JOHNSON: Democrat candidates’ immigration plans are “tantamount to declaring publicly that we have open borders”.

Not all Democrats are batshit crazy ... just most of them.
PORTLAND’S MAYOR’S epically bad explanation of Antifa attacks.

Gist: I'll turn a blind eye to violence as long as the potential victims are of the “wrong” political persuasion.

 is for damaged, dangerous and delusional.
AMY KLOBUCHAR: Another Democrat visits Iowa.

Minnesota nice, backed by steel. In the South, we have a name for that: Steel Magnolia.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Have you ever noticed Antifa is never there when we have a bikers’ rally?”