Wednesday, September 18, 2013

JUST A REMINDER: 9 Potential Mass Shootings That Were Stopped By Someone With A Personally Owned Firearm.
JOURNALISM'S GUIDE to firearms identification:

Taken from this PJM Tatler post.
THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION is in Texas. At least that's where its phone number shows it to be....
NIGHTMARES FOR SURE: The Oregon Obamacare Ads that May Give You Nightmares or Send You to Rehab.
FROM A TRAGEDY TO A FARCE: Mainstream media coverage of the Navy Yard murders. This would be laughable if it weren't for the ugly fact that 12 innocent people died.
WHERE IS that time machine when you need it?

From my email.
ARE THERE snakes on Mars? Maybe someday.
PARTISANSHIP, not leadership. Thankfully, no one is listening.
KARL MARX: History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. We've skipped the first part and gone directly to farce.
THERE'S NO 'I' IN TEAM -- until now.